UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!                                                                                                                                         UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!


Jack Moore

Invited Gordon to visit meetings being held in Southern California by a young Baptist evangelist, William Branham.



April 1948: The Voice of Healing magazine was launched to report on Branham’s evangelistic campaigns.

“Its purpose was not to argue over doctrine that might precipitate division and confusion among God’s people, but rather to proclaim the message of the Great Commission, to minister healing to God 's people, and to prepare them for Christ's coming.”

“Bro. Jack Moore and I, though representing different groups, had been close friends for 18 years, often dreaming and talking of finding something that would be a touchstone for the unity of the widely divided Pentecostal groups. We both recognized this to be what we had prayed for and set out to establish this Voice of Healing fellowship, beginning the magazine as a medium of publicizing the ministry of this brother of whom we speak, William Branham.” (Gordon Lindsay)

The upper room over Jack Moore’s garage

took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

Gordon and Freda Lindsay

made a trip to Mexico to determine whether the sign-gift ministry was as effective in other lands as it had been in America. They soon saw that this ministry stirred communities abroad as nothing else could and resulted in the conversion of such large numbers of people that it seemed imperative that God-called men be encouraged to carry this message of faith to foreign nations. Their first meetings were held in Ciudad Victoria, and Monterrey, Mexico.

“Of one thing we were certain. We were thoroughly convinced that the ministry of deliverance was the Bible method to reach the masses. We saw that from now on we must encourage World-Wide Revival through healing and miracles. And from that time on it became our policy to encourage men of faith to carry the gospel to foreign countries with ‘signs’ accompanying the preaching.”

“Campaigns were subsequently held in scores of countries where many thousands made their decision for Christ.”


• Large Healing Revivals hosted in the United States and numerous international locations including Canada, Sweden, Finland, Puerto Rico, Peru, and Jamaica.

• The Voice of Healing featured on the “Soul’s Harbor Program” on WTCN Television in Minneapolis.


• VOH Headquarters building completed in Dallas. (June 1, 1952, opened for business).

July 1953:
T. L. Osborn launched the Native Evangelism Plan, which was promoted through the Voice of Healing magazine.

It was a plan for sending hundreds of native evangelists into the field thus making the work in foreign lands indigenous. Within three years, nearly 1,500 native evangelists were commissioned to go forth and carry the message of Christ to their own people.


June 12, 1954:
Opened printing plant.

A printing plant with a large capacity for printing tracts, books, and faith literature was built and equipped. Since then, millions of faith books have been printed as well as millions of copies of magazines in an effort to spread the knowledge of this glorious gospel of deliverance. Since 1954, Voice of Healing writers have published over a hundred book titles, with some of them having from fifty to one hundred thousand copies in circulation.

Launched “Billion Souls Crusade”


Added the Latin America Radio Network

Partnering with Paul Finkenbinder, also known as “Hermano Pablo,” the Voice of Healing assisted with the establishment of a radio network in Central America as a follow-up of the great campaigns in that region. The network grew quickly until more than 10,000 programs per month were broadcast into numerous Latin American countries, keeping the people in touch with the deliverance message.

International Crusades:

International Crusades: Thailand; El Salvador; Colombia; Seoul, Korea; Philippines.

Deliverance Schools:

From time to time deliverance training schools were conducted in various cities for the inspiration of evangelists, pastors, missionaries and laymen. These schools were short term Bible courses in the ministry of deliverance taught by Gordon Lindsay and several of the Voice of Healing evangelists including W. V. Grant, David Nunn, Sam Todd, Dan Marocco, H. C. Noah, Raymond T. Richey, Alton Hayes, Richard Vinyard, and David Du Plessis.

April 1959:
Added World Correspondence Course.

• A World Correspondence Course was initiated in April 1959, which in a few years grew to more than 11,000 enrollees. A series of courses on the great dynamic subjects of Scripture were prepared in a simple, easy to understand style. Courses included such subjects such as Satan, demonology, prevailing prayer, and Divine healing. Additionally, we prepared volumes on the Book of Revelation, the gifts of the Spirit, and a series carrying the reader through the entire Bible in character sketches. Monthly exams were sent out and participants received a certificate upon completion of the courses.


took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

“Miracles began to take place at once. People rose up from their cots – some who were on deathbeds. Faith rose in the great congregation and wonderful testimonies came even from those who sat in their seats and were healed. One woman testified that she received her sight while listening to Brother Branham.”

May 14, 1948:

The nation of Israel declares Independence.


Mar 1949:

The Voice of Healing Magazine reaches 30,000 subscribers.

Dec. 1949:

The first Voice of Healing Annual Convention was held in connection with a healing campaign featuring William Branham, Raymond T. Richey, Gayle Jackson, Velmer Gardner, Clifton Erickson, H. C. Noah, F. F. Bosworth and son Robert, Jack Moore and others.


May 10, 1953:

A weekly national radio program, broadcast on Sundays only, was launched to encourage the World-Wide Revival Crusade. It featured the message of divine healing and deliverance from sin. Outstanding testimonies of miracles of healing which occurred in the ministries of the Voice of Healing evangelists were shared, encouraging people to believe God for whatever miracle they needed in their lives.

October 1953:

“In order to have mass revival and mass healings we must have mass prayer - that is there must be thousands of people praying all over the world toward a common goal.” God began to lead in the organizing of a great World Prayer Band, composed of groups of people who would continually intercede for the nations and make prayer a business in their lives. Thousands of people in this army of prayer warriors prayed daily for world revival.


Building Revival Centers and Shelters

With thousands and even tens of thousands of converts resulting from the campaigns, it became evident that we must develop a program to build large gospel centers, strategically located throughout the world. These would take care of the converts, provide a place for the training of those specially called, and act as a springboard or a base, for evangelizing large areas. More than 10 revival centers were established around the world, including in the Philippines, Thailand, El Salvador, Peru, Kenya, and Korea.


Gordon Visited Israel and launched the Holy Land Outreach

• Established Voice of Healing office in Jerusalem.
• “The purpose of our mission to Israel was to set in motion a definite program for reaching the Jews with the Messianic message. Witnessing teams went from city to city carrying the message of Jesus Christ.”


Jack Moore

Invited Gordon to visit meetings being held in Southern California by a young Baptist evangelist, William Branham.



April 1948: The Voice of Healing magazine was launched to report on Branham’s evangelistic campaigns.

“Its purpose was not to argue over doctrine that might precipitate division and confusion among God’s people, but rather to proclaim the message of the Great Commission, to minister healing to God 's people, and to prepare them for Christ's coming.”


took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

“Miracles began to take place at once. People rose up from their cots – some who were on deathbeds. Faith rose in the great congregation and wonderful testimonies came even from those who sat in their seats and were healed. One woman testified that she received her sight while listening to Brother Branham.”

“Bro. Jack Moore and I, though representing different groups, had been close friends for 18 years, often dreaming and talking of finding something that would be a touchstone for the unity of the widely divided Pentecostal groups. We both recognized this to be what we had prayed for and set out to establish this Voice of Healing fellowship, beginning the magazine as a medium of publicizing the ministry of this brother of whom we speak, William Branham.” (Gordon Lindsay)

May 14, 1948:

The nation of Israel declares Independence.

The upper room over Jack Moore’s garage

took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.


Gordon and Freda Lindsay

made a trip to Mexico to determine whether the sign-gift ministry was as effective in other lands as it had been in America. They soon saw that this ministry stirred communities abroad as nothing else could and resulted in the conversion of such large numbers of people that it seemed imperative that God-called men be encouraged to carry this message of faith to foreign nations. Their first meetings were held in Ciudad Victoria, and Monterrey, Mexico.

“Of one thing we were certain. We were thoroughly convinced that the ministry of deliverance was the Bible method to reach the masses. We saw that from now on we must encourage World-Wide Revival through healing and miracles. And from that time on it became our policy to encourage men of faith to carry the gospel to foreign countries with ‘signs’ accompanying the preaching.”

“Campaigns were subsequently held in scores of countries where many thousands made their decision for Christ.”

Mar 1949:

The Voice of Healing Magazine reaches 30,000 subscribers.

Dec. 1949:

The first Voice of Healing Annual Convention was held in connection with a healing campaign featuring William Branham, Raymond T. Richey, Gayle Jackson, Velmer Gardner, Clifton Erickson, H. C. Noah, F. F. Bosworth and son Robert, Jack Moore and others.


• Large Healing Revivals hosted in the United States and numerous international locations including Canada, Sweden, Finland, Puerto Rico, Peru, and Jamaica.

• The Voice of Healing featured on the “Soul’s Harbor Program” on WTCN Television in Minneapolis.


• VOH Headquarters building completed in Dallas. (June 1, 1952, opened for business).


May 10, 1953:

A weekly national radio program, broadcast on Sundays only, was launched to encourage the World-Wide Revival Crusade. It featured the message of divine healing and deliverance from sin. Outstanding testimonies of miracles of healing which occurred in the ministries of the Voice of Healing evangelists were shared, encouraging people to believe God for whatever miracle they needed in their lives.

July 1953:
T. L. Osborn launched the Native Evangelism Plan, which was promoted through the Voice of Healing magazine.

It was a plan for sending hundreds of native evangelists into the field thus making the work in foreign lands indigenous. Within three years, nearly 1,500 native evangelists were commissioned to go forth and carry the message of Christ to their own people.

October 1953:

“In order to have mass revival and mass healings we must have mass prayer - that is there must be thousands of people praying all over the world toward a common goal.” God began to lead in the organizing of a great World Prayer Band, composed of groups of people who would continually intercede for the nations and make prayer a business in their lives. Thousands of people in this army of prayer warriors prayed daily for world revival.


June 12, 1954:
Opened printing plant.

A printing plant with a large capacity for printing tracts, books, and faith literature was built and equipped. Since then, millions of faith books have been printed as well as millions of copies of magazines in an effort to spread the knowledge of this glorious gospel of deliverance. Since 1954, Voice of Healing writers have published over a hundred book titles, with some of them having from fifty to one hundred thousand copies in circulation.

Launched “Billion Souls Crusade”


Building Revival Centers and Shelters

With thousands and even tens of thousands of converts resulting from the campaigns, it became evident that we must develop a program to build large gospel centers, strategically located throughout the world. These would take care of the converts, provide a place for the training of those specially called, and act as a springboard or a base, for evangelizing large areas. More than 10 revival centers were established around the world, including in the Philippines, Thailand, El Salvador, Peru, Kenya, and Korea.


Added the Latin America Radio Network

Partnering with Paul Finkenbinder, also known as “Hermano Pablo,” the Voice of Healing assisted with the establishment of a radio network in Central America as a follow-up of the great campaigns in that region. The network grew quickly until more than 10,000 programs per month were broadcast into numerous Latin American countries, keeping the people in touch with the deliverance message.

International Crusades:

International Crusades: Thailand; El Salvador; Colombia; Seoul, Korea; Philippines.

Deliverance Schools:

From time to time deliverance training schools were conducted in various cities for the inspiration of evangelists, pastors, missionaries and laymen. These schools were short term Bible courses in the ministry of deliverance taught by Gordon Lindsay and several of the Voice of Healing evangelists including W. V. Grant, David Nunn, Sam Todd, Dan Marocco, H. C. Noah, Raymond T. Richey, Alton Hayes, Richard Vinyard, and David Du Plessis.


Gordon Visited Israel and launched the Holy Land Outreach

• Established Voice of Healing office in Jerusalem.
• “The purpose of our mission to Israel was to set in motion a definite program for reaching the Jews with the Messianic message. Witnessing teams went from city to city carrying the message of Jesus Christ.”

April 1959:
Added World Correspondence Course.

• A World Correspondence Course was initiated in April 1959, which in a few years grew to more than 11,000 enrollees. A series of courses on the great dynamic subjects of Scripture were prepared in a simple, easy to understand style. Courses included such subjects such as Satan, demonology, prevailing prayer, and Divine healing. Additionally, we prepared volumes on the Book of Revelation, the gifts of the Spirit, and a series carrying the reader through the entire Bible in character sketches. Monthly exams were sent out and participants received a certificate upon completion of the courses.


Voice of Healing Chapel erected on Mount of Olives


September 18, 1962:
Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, International formed in Dallas.

The Full Gospel Fellowship recognizes the unity of all members of the Body of Christ. It stands strongly for the supernatural ministry and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as set forth in 1 Cor. 12. It stands for Bible righteousness in personal conduct, and it strongly encourages world evangelization and missionary effort, in fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission. By this means, the Church will bring back the King! (Matt. 24:14).


Literature Crusade started (13 of Gordon Lindsay’s books, plus 3 for children).

“Having had unusual success with literature in Israel, we felt led to launch into a program of publishing books in various languages for the unreached masses. The scope of the plan, which is in cooperation with the Native Church Crusade, goes far beyond the printing of tracts. Rather, books of 32 pages will be published which contain the Full Gospel message: salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, the second coming of Christ, victorious Christian living, etc.”

Freda Lindsay began hosting a monthly interdenominational Ladies Luncheon.

“I carried several reports in Christ For The Nations magazine, encouraging other Charismatic women to organize similar luncheons in their own communities. And when time permitted, I accepted invitations to help start some of them.”

April 1967:
Filed in Louisiana to change the name from "The Voice of Healing Publishing Company Inc.," to "Christ For The Nations, Incorporated."

"Divine healing has opened the door to reach the multitudes with the message of Christ. And thus divine healing is the means, and Christ For The Nations is the objective – and has been our objective from the beginning. Truly our call is to put the Gospel before all nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). For this reason and after much prayer, we have decided that the name of our association and magazine shall be Christ For The Nations. Of course, our emphasis on the ministry of healing shall not diminish. It is only through the supernatural and the signs following that we can in a significant way bring Christ To The Nations."

Oct. 1967:
Gordon & Freda Lindsay led their first tour group to Israel.


Sep. 1970:
Christ For The Nations Institute is established with 50 students. 9-month program.

• The Christ For The Nations Institute was planned to meet the unique needs of our time. In all respects it would function as a preparatory school for those who plan to be ministers, missionaries, or who wish to become involved in active Christian service of any kind.

• As the lay ministry has grown in importance, there has been a new realization of the need of a thorough knowledge of the Word of God with emphasis on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry of the supernatural. And this the Christ For The Nations Institute is designed to supply.

The "Luminaires" alumni singing group started by Dean Guest.


April 1, 1973:
Gordon Lindsay passed away.

"The thing that made Gordon unique was that he never seemed to be aware of the host of lives he touched, and the worldwide influence he carried. His words carried weight. And as for his deeds, he accomplished on earth what he wanted to have done when he got to heaven, not only of that which had been entrusted to him in the work of the Lord, but also of his personal possessions." - Freda Lindsay

"Sometimes, it almost overwhelms me to look back and see what God has done. I now know how it feels to have a thousand decisions to make, and suddenly have the one who has always made them gone – where you cannot even ask his advice. It’s then that I fall at the feet of Jesus, and He sends the Holy Spirit to guide me."


Dennis Lindsay started the Summer Outreach Program. First trip to Mexico.


August 1975:
Burned the mortgage for the Institute Building.

• In August 1975,
"the indebtedness for the Institute Building was completely liquidated, and we had a mortgage burning during the seminar.” The “building, plus the land, including the parking, cost over $750,000. It seemed like a giant undertaking. And I must admit, it seemed even bigger when I was left alone with the task of completing the construction on the building after Gordon was gone. But though we had 10 years in which to pay the mortgage, God helped us pay for it within two years, thus saving $165,000 in interest."


• Institute Building is expanded to seat 2,500.

• CFNI Alumni Association started by Ron Wahlrobe. Mike Massa appointed as first president.

• 5,000 Native Churches completed.

Nov. 1961:
Launched the Native Church Crusade

• Gordon & Freda travel to Central and South America, prompting the beginning of the Native Church Program, which secures donors to help put roofs on churches.

• “While it is always good to hear of new evangelistic efforts on the mission field, the facts are that unless some kind of shelter or church is built to take care of the converts the work is to a great extent lost – just as it would be here in America unless there is provision made for a place for the people to worship.”

• The Native Church Crusade was established to give American families opportunity to sponsor the building of a native church in a foreign missionary field and thus have a vital part in fulfilling Christ’s command to evangelize the nations.


Set up printing and distribution center in Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of booklets containing strong Messianic articles, Hebrew Bibles, and other books and tracts, both in Hebrew and Arabic, were distributed throughout Israel.”


Purchased the bankrupt “Oak Cliff Alpine Club” nightclub on Kiest Blvd. Renamed it the Christian Center and began holding regular seminars and evangelistic meetings.

o In June 1966, the Voice of Healing launched a training center offering regular seminars for ministers and laymen to provide intensive days of practical instruction in prayer and intercession, the art of personal soul winning, the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of deliverance, the art of counseling, practical methods on the missionary field, and divine health, daily ministering to the sick until they are healed. Nationally known ministers and those who had practical experience on the subject served as teachers.

June 5-10, 1967:
Israel’s Six-Day War.


Construction of new Headquarters Building on Conway Street, Dallas completed.

Christ For The Nations Institute began in September 1970 with its first group of hungry students. The curriculum included topics such as How to Pray for the Sick, and How the Gifts of the Spirit Operate. The founding purpose of the school was to prepare people for the supernatural ministry, with special emphasis on operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Guest teachers who were already successful in ministry on the field were brought in for limited periods. These guest teachers included Derek Prince, Kenneth Hagin, Harald Bredesen, John Osteen, Maxwell Whyte, Charles Duncombe, Loren Cunningham, Leonard Ravenhill, George Otis, Joe Poppell and others.

Dec. 1970:
Began sending out audio cassette tape recordings of CFNI classes.


Deaf Department launched.

World Relief began when Gordon and Freda Lindsay personally gave a Bible to Indira Gandhi, the prime minister of India, together with $5,000 for children caught in the Pakistan war.

The day after Gordon’s funeral, the 10-man Board of Christ For The Nations unanimously elected Freda Lindsay to serve as president.

Dennis Lindsay appointed as one of the two vice presidents.

Dedicated Christ For The Nations Institute Building.

Purchased Agape & Maranatha apartment complexes.

First Annual Worship Recording.

Launched “Signs of Love” singing/drama group using sign language to reach the hearing impaired.

Purchased Gordon Lindsay Hall on Highway 67 frontage road.

Oct. 9, 1975:
Purchased the music building.
(Per R. Delp – DL Dissertation).

Living Praise started by Dean Romanelli.​

Freda Lindsay inaugurated the Christ For Nigeria Bible School, founded by Benson Idahosa, a CFNI graduate.​


CFN Glaubenszentrum Bible School started in Wolfenbuttel, Germany.

First Annual Mardi Gras Outreach.

Support of Orphanages began after Mom Lindsay visited India and the Philippines as part of a 5-week "missionary tour to the Orient."

Construction of Student Center is completed.

May 29, 1977:
Dr. Ralph McPherson, son of the founder of the Foursquare Church, bestowed on Freda an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the International Foursquare Convention in Portland.



Voice of Healing Chapel erected on Mount of Olives

Nov. 1961:
Launched the Native Church Crusade

• Gordon & Freda travel to Central and South America, prompting the beginning of the Native Church Program, which secures donors to help put roofs on churches.

• “While it is always good to hear of new evangelistic efforts on the mission field, the facts are that unless some kind of shelter or church is built to take care of the converts the work is to a great extent lost – just as it would be here in America unless there is provision made for a place for the people to worship.”

• The Native Church Crusade was established to give American families opportunity to sponsor the building of a native church in a foreign missionary field and thus have a vital part in fulfilling Christ’s command to evangelize the nations.


September 18, 1962:
Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, International formed in Dallas.

The Full Gospel Fellowship recognizes the unity of all members of the Body of Christ. It stands strongly for the supernatural ministry and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as set forth in 1 Cor. 12. It stands for Bible righteousness in personal conduct, and it strongly encourages world evangelization and missionary effort, in fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission. By this means, the Church will bring back the King! (Matt. 24:14).


Set up printing and distribution center in Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of booklets containing strong Messianic articles, Hebrew Bibles, and other books and tracts, both in Hebrew and Arabic, were distributed throughout Israel.”


Literature Crusade started (13 of Gordon Lindsay’s books, plus 3 for children).

“Having had unusual success with literature in Israel, we felt led to launch into a program of publishing books in various languages for the unreached masses. The scope of the plan, which is in cooperation with the Native Church Crusade, goes far beyond the printing of tracts. Rather, books of 32 pages will be published which contain the Full Gospel message: salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, the second coming of Christ, victorious Christian living, etc.”


Purchased the bankrupt “Oak Cliff Alpine Club” nightclub on Kiest Blvd. Renamed it the Christian Center and began holding regular seminars and evangelistic meetings.

In June 1966, the Voice of Healing launched a training center offering regular seminars for ministers and laymen to provide intensive days of practical instruction in prayer and intercession, the art of personal soul winning, the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of deliverance, the art of counseling, practical methods on the missionary field, and divine health, daily ministering to the sick until they are healed. Nationally known ministers and those who had practical experience on the subject served as teachers.

Freda Lindsay began hosting a monthly interdenominational Ladies Luncheon.

“I carried several reports in Christ For The Nations magazine, encouraging other Charismatic women to organize similar luncheons in their own communities. And when time permitted, I accepted invitations to help start some of them.”

April 1967:
Filed in Louisiana to change the name from "The Voice of Healing Publishing Company Inc.," to "Christ For The Nations, Incorporated."

"Divine healing has opened the door to reach the multitudes with the message of Christ. And thus divine healing is the means, and Christ For The Nations is the objective – and has been our objective from the beginning. Truly our call is to put the Gospel before all nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). For this reason and after much prayer, we have decided that the name of our association and magazine shall be Christ For The Nations. Of course, our emphasis on the ministry of healing shall not diminish. It is only through the supernatural and the signs following that we can in a significant way bring Christ To The Nations."

June 5-10, 1967:
Israel’s Six-Day War.

Oct. 1967:
Gordon & Freda Lindsay led their first tour group to Israel.


Construction of new Headquarters Building on Conway Street, Dallas completed.


Sep. 1970:
Christ For The Nations Institute is established with 50 students. 9-month program.

Christ For The Nations Institute began in September 1970 with its first group of hungry students. The curriculum included topics such as How to Pray for the Sick, and How the Gifts of the Spirit Operate. The founding purpose of the school was to prepare people for the supernatural ministry, with special emphasis on operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Guest teachers who were already successful in ministry on the field were brought in for limited periods. These guest teachers included Derek Prince, Kenneth Hagin, Harald Bredesen, John Osteen, Maxwell Whyte, Charles Duncombe, Loren Cunningham, Leonard Ravenhill, George Otis, Joe Poppell and others.

• The Christ For The Nations Institute was planned to meet the unique needs of our time. In all respects it would function as a preparatory school for those who plan to be ministers, missionaries, or who wish to become involved in active Christian service of any kind.

• As the lay ministry has grown in importance, there has been a new realization of the need of a thorough knowledge of the Word of God with emphasis on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry of the supernatural. And this the Christ For The Nations Institute is designed to supply.

Dec. 1970:
Began sending out audio cassette tape recordings of CFNI classes.


Deaf Department launched.

The "Luminaires" alumni singing group started by Dean Guest.

World Relief began when Gordon and Freda Lindsay personally gave a Bible to Indira Gandhi, the prime minister of India, together with $5,000 for children caught in the Pakistan war.


April 1, 1973:
Gordon Lindsay passed away.

"The thing that made Gordon unique was that he never seemed to be aware of the host of lives he touched, and the worldwide influence he carried. His words carried weight. And as for his deeds, he accomplished on earth what he wanted to have done when he got to heaven, not only of that which had been entrusted to him in the work of the Lord, but also of his personal possessions." - Freda Lindsay

"Sometimes, it almost overwhelms me to look back and see what God has done. I now know how it feels to have a thousand decisions to make, and suddenly have the one who has always made them gone – where you cannot even ask his advice. It’s then that I fall at the feet of Jesus, and He sends the Holy Spirit to guide me."

The day after Gordon’s funeral, the 10-man Board of Christ For The Nations unanimously elected Freda Lindsay to serve as president.

Dennis Lindsay appointed as one of the two vice presidents.

Dedicated Christ For The Nations Institute Building.


Purchased Agape & Maranatha apartment complexes.

First Annual Worship Recording.

Launched “Signs of Love” singing/drama group using sign language to reach the hearing impaired.

Dennis Lindsay started the Summer Outreach Program. First trip to Mexico.


Purchased Gordon Lindsay Hall on Highway 67 frontage road.

August 1975:
Burned the mortgage for the Institute Building.

In August 1975,
"the indebtedness for the Institute Building was completely liquidated, and we had a mortgage burning during the seminar.” The “building, plus the land, including the parking, cost over $750,000. It seemed like a giant undertaking. And I must admit, it seemed even bigger when I was left alone with the task of completing the construction on the building after Gordon was gone. But though we had 10 years in which to pay the mortgage, God helped us pay for it within two years, thus saving $165,000 in interest."

Oct. 9, 1975:
Purchased the music building.
(Per R. Delp – DL Dissertation).

Living Praise started by Dean Romanelli.​

Freda Lindsay inaugurated the Christ For Nigeria Bible School, founded by Benson Idahosa, a CFNI graduate.​


CFN Glaubenszentrum Bible School started in Wolfenbuttel, Germany.

First Annual Mardi Gras Outreach.

Support of Orphanages began after Mom Lindsay visited India and the Philippines as part of a 5-week "missionary tour to the Orient."


Construction of Student Center is completed.

May 29, 1977:
Dr. Ralph McPherson, son of the founder of the Foursquare Church, bestowed on Freda an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the International Foursquare Convention in Portland.


• Institute Building is expanded to seat 2,500.

• CFNI Alumni Association started by Ron Wahlrobe. Mike Massa appointed as first president.

• 5,000 Native Churches completed.


Jerusalem Center opened in Israel.


Construction of Jack Moore Library Chapel is completed and dedicated debt-free.

Dec. 1983:
Sheraton Hotel purchased for use as men’s dorms and renamed Gordon Lindsay Tower.

Dennis Lindsay appointed President.


Washington For Jesus Rally


• Youth For The Nations Summer Camp started by Brad Howard with assistance from Bobby Bogart.

• Sep. 1990: First Annual Women’s Conference started by Ginger Lindsay.

• CFN Academy (ACE/School of Tomorrow) started.


• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Timisoara.


• Purchased Courts of Praise apartment complex from HUD for $10.00.

• Hosted first Annual Worship Conference.

• Third Year School of Pastoral Ministry started by Randy Delp.

• CFN Brazil started.


• Aug. 1998: Spanish School (Instituto Biblico en Espanol) started by Palemon Camu.

• Aug. 1998: Third Year School of Worship and the Arts started by Arlene Friesen. First Director was Thomas Miller.


Cornerstone Apartments built.

CFN Institute of Biblical Studies started in New York. (Closed in 1991)

June 20, 1983:
Freda Lindsay honored as the Christian Woman of the Year.


The mortgage for the GLT was burned during morning chapel.


• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.

Spring 1988 graduation


CFN Canada started –
Opening Rally -September 10, 1989.


• Third Year School of Missions started by Larry Hill.

• Third Year School of Youth Ministry started by Bobby Bogart.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship started.

• Creative Musical Drama ministry started by Anna Jeanne Price and Rayanna Fields.

• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Suceava.


• Freda Lindsay resigns as Chairman of the Board. Dennis Lindsay appointed as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.

• Started construction on Freda Lindsay World Missions Building.


• Christ For Moldova started.

• 10,000 Native Churches completed.


Jerusalem Center opened in Israel.


Construction of Jack Moore Library Chapel is completed and dedicated debt-free.


Cornerstone Apartments built.

CFN Institute of Biblical Studies started in New York. (Closed in 1991)

June 20, 1983:
Freda Lindsay honored as the Christian Woman of the Year.


The mortgage for the GLT was burned during morning chapel.


• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.

Dec. 1983:
Sheraton Hotel purchased for use as men’s dorms and renamed Gordon Lindsay Tower.

Dennis Lindsay appointed President.

• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.


Washington For Jesus Rally

Spring 1988 graduation


CFN Canada started –
Opening Rally -September 10, 1989.


• Youth For The Nations Summer Camp started by Brad Howard with assistance from Bobby Bogart.

• Sep. 1990: First Annual Women’s Conference started by Ginger Lindsay.

• CFN Academy (ACE/School of Tomorrow) started.


• Third Year School of Missions started by Larry Hill.

• Third Year School of Youth Ministry started by Bobby Bogart.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship started.

• Creative Musical Drama ministry started by Anna Jeanne Price and Rayanna Fields.

• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Suceava.


• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Timisoara.


• Freda Lindsay resigns as Chairman of the Board. Dennis Lindsay appointed as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.

• Started construction on Freda Lindsay World Missions Building.


• Purchased Courts of Praise apartment complex from HUD for $10.00.

• Hosted first Annual Worship Conference.

• Third Year School of Pastoral Ministry started by Randy Delp.

• CFN Brazil started.


• Christ For Moldova started.

• 10,000 Native Churches completed.


• Aug. 1998: Spanish School (Instituto Biblico en Espanol) started by Palemon Camu.

• Aug. 1998: Third Year School of Worship and the Arts started by Arlene Friesen. First Director was Thomas Miller.


• Dennis & Ginger lead their first Holy Land Tour.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship changes name to CFN Fellowship of Ministers and Churches (CFNFMC).


CFNI transitioned to a three-year program.


April 18, 2008:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay, on the occasion of her 94th birthday, announced her retirement.


March 25, 2010:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay passed away.

Nov. 13, 2010:
Ginger Lindsay appointed as Chief Operating Officer.

Oct. 2010:
Museum of Earth History opened.


• Third Year Healing major started (by Alta Hatcher).

• Third Year Biblical Counseling major started.

• Third Year Evangelism major started.

• Third Year Creative Media major started.

• First Voice of Healing Conference – “Believe in Miracles Symposium”


• Evening and Weekend Program launched.

• Third Year School of Children’s Ministry started by Connie McKenzie.

• New Christian Center building completed.


Kids For The Nations Summer Day camp begins.


Third Year Marketplace Ministry major started by Will Ford.


• Dennis & Ginger lead their first Holy Land Tour.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship changes name to CFN Fellowship of Ministers and Churches (CFNFMC).


• Evening and Weekend Program launched.

• Third Year School of Children’s Ministry started by Connie McKenzie.

• New Christian Center building completed.


CFNI transitioned to a three-year program.


Kids For The Nations Summer Day camp begins.


April 18, 2008:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay, on the occasion of her 94th birthday, announced her retirement.


March 25, 2010:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay passed away.

Nov. 13, 2010:
Ginger Lindsay appointed as Chief Operating Officer.

Oct. 2010:
Museum of Earth History opened.


• Third Year Healing major started (by Alta Hatcher).

• Third Year Biblical Counseling major started.

• Third Year Evangelism major started.

• Third Year Creative Media major started.

• First Voice of Healing Conference – “Believe in Miracles Symposium”


Third Year Marketplace Ministry major started by Will Ford.


Jack Moore

Invited Gordon to visit meetings being held in Southern California by a young Baptist evangelist, William Branham.



April 1948: The Voice of Healing magazine was launched to report on Branham’s evangelistic campaigns.

“Its purpose was not to argue over doctrine that might precipitate division and confusion among God’s people, but rather to proclaim the message of the Great Commission, to minister healing to God 's people, and to prepare them for Christ's coming.”

“Bro. Jack Moore and I, though representing different groups, had been close friends for 18 years, often dreaming and talking of finding something that would be a touchstone for the unity of the widely divided Pentecostal groups. We both recognized this to be what we had prayed for and set out to establish this Voice of Healing fellowship, beginning the magazine as a medium of publicizing the ministry of this brother of whom we speak, William Branham.” (Gordon Lindsay)

The upper room over Jack Moore’s garage

took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

Gordon and Freda Lindsay

made a trip to Mexico to determine whether the sign-gift ministry was as effective in other lands as it had been in America. They soon saw that this ministry stirred communities abroad as nothing else could and resulted in the conversion of such large numbers of people that it seemed imperative that God-called men be encouraged to carry this message of faith to foreign nations. Their first meetings were held in Ciudad Victoria, and Monterrey, Mexico.

“Of one thing we were certain. We were thoroughly convinced that the ministry of deliverance was the Bible method to reach the masses. We saw that from now on we must encourage World-Wide Revival through healing and miracles. And from that time on it became our policy to encourage men of faith to carry the gospel to foreign countries with ‘signs’ accompanying the preaching.”

“Campaigns were subsequently held in scores of countries where many thousands made their decision for Christ.”


• Large Healing Revivals hosted in the United States and numerous international locations including Canada, Sweden, Finland, Puerto Rico, Peru, and Jamaica.

• The Voice of Healing featured on the “Soul’s Harbor Program” on WTCN Television in Minneapolis.


• VOH Headquarters building completed in Dallas. (June 1, 1952, opened for business).

July 1953:
T. L. Osborn launched the Native Evangelism Plan, which was promoted through the Voice of Healing magazine.

It was a plan for sending hundreds of native evangelists into the field thus making the work in foreign lands indigenous. Within three years, nearly 1,500 native evangelists were commissioned to go forth and carry the message of Christ to their own people.


June 12, 1954:
Opened printing plant.

A printing plant with a large capacity for printing tracts, books, and faith literature was built and equipped. Since then, millions of faith books have been printed as well as millions of copies of magazines in an effort to spread the knowledge of this glorious gospel of deliverance. Since 1954, Voice of Healing writers have published over a hundred book titles, with some of them having from fifty to one hundred thousand copies in circulation.

Launched “Billion Souls Crusade”


Added the Latin America Radio Network

Partnering with Paul Finkenbinder, also known as “Hermano Pablo,” the Voice of Healing assisted with the establishment of a radio network in Central America as a follow-up of the great campaigns in that region. The network grew quickly until more than 10,000 programs per month were broadcast into numerous Latin American countries, keeping the people in touch with the deliverance message.

International Crusades:

International Crusades: Thailand; El Salvador; Colombia; Seoul, Korea; Philippines.

Deliverance Schools:

From time to time deliverance training schools were conducted in various cities for the inspiration of evangelists, pastors, missionaries and laymen. These schools were short term Bible courses in the ministry of deliverance taught by Gordon Lindsay and several of the Voice of Healing evangelists including W. V. Grant, David Nunn, Sam Todd, Dan Marocco, H. C. Noah, Raymond T. Richey, Alton Hayes, Richard Vinyard, and David Du Plessis.

April 1959:
Added World Correspondence Course.

• A World Correspondence Course was initiated in April 1959, which in a few years grew to more than 11,000 enrollees. A series of courses on the great dynamic subjects of Scripture were prepared in a simple, easy to understand style. Courses included such subjects such as Satan, demonology, prevailing prayer, and Divine healing. Additionally, we prepared volumes on the Book of Revelation, the gifts of the Spirit, and a series carrying the reader through the entire Bible in character sketches. Monthly exams were sent out and participants received a certificate upon completion of the courses.


took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

“Miracles began to take place at once. People rose up from their cots – some who were on deathbeds. Faith rose in the great congregation and wonderful testimonies came even from those who sat in their seats and were healed. One woman testified that she received her sight while listening to Brother Branham.”

May 14, 1948:

The nation of Israel declares Independence.


Mar 1949:

The Voice of Healing Magazine reaches 30,000 subscribers.

Dec. 1949:

The first Voice of Healing Annual Convention was held in connection with a healing campaign featuring William Branham, Raymond T. Richey, Gayle Jackson, Velmer Gardner, Clifton Erickson, H. C. Noah, F. F. Bosworth and son Robert, Jack Moore and others.


May 10, 1953:

A weekly national radio program, broadcast on Sundays only, was launched to encourage the World-Wide Revival Crusade. It featured the message of divine healing and deliverance from sin. Outstanding testimonies of miracles of healing which occurred in the ministries of the Voice of Healing evangelists were shared, encouraging people to believe God for whatever miracle they needed in their lives.

October 1953:

“In order to have mass revival and mass healings we must have mass prayer - that is there must be thousands of people praying all over the world toward a common goal.” God began to lead in the organizing of a great World Prayer Band, composed of groups of people who would continually intercede for the nations and make prayer a business in their lives. Thousands of people in this army of prayer warriors prayed daily for world revival.


Building Revival Centers and Shelters

With thousands and even tens of thousands of converts resulting from the campaigns, it became evident that we must develop a program to build large gospel centers, strategically located throughout the world. These would take care of the converts, provide a place for the training of those specially called, and act as a springboard or a base, for evangelizing large areas. More than 10 revival centers were established around the world, including in the Philippines, Thailand, El Salvador, Peru, Kenya, and Korea.


Gordon Visited Israel and launched the Holy Land Outreach

• Established Voice of Healing office in Jerusalem.
• “The purpose of our mission to Israel was to set in motion a definite program for reaching the Jews with the Messianic message. Witnessing teams went from city to city carrying the message of Jesus Christ.”


Jack Moore

Invited Gordon to visit meetings being held in Southern California by a young Baptist evangelist, William Branham.



April 1948: The Voice of Healing magazine was launched to report on Branham’s evangelistic campaigns.

“Its purpose was not to argue over doctrine that might precipitate division and confusion among God’s people, but rather to proclaim the message of the Great Commission, to minister healing to God 's people, and to prepare them for Christ's coming.”


took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.

“Miracles began to take place at once. People rose up from their cots – some who were on deathbeds. Faith rose in the great congregation and wonderful testimonies came even from those who sat in their seats and were healed. One woman testified that she received her sight while listening to Brother Branham.”

“Bro. Jack Moore and I, though representing different groups, had been close friends for 18 years, often dreaming and talking of finding something that would be a touchstone for the unity of the widely divided Pentecostal groups. We both recognized this to be what we had prayed for and set out to establish this Voice of Healing fellowship, beginning the magazine as a medium of publicizing the ministry of this brother of whom we speak, William Branham.” (Gordon Lindsay)

May 14, 1948:

The nation of Israel declares Independence.

The upper room over Jack Moore’s garage

took a one-year leave of absence from the pastorate to serve as campaign director for William Branham.


Gordon and Freda Lindsay

made a trip to Mexico to determine whether the sign-gift ministry was as effective in other lands as it had been in America. They soon saw that this ministry stirred communities abroad as nothing else could and resulted in the conversion of such large numbers of people that it seemed imperative that God-called men be encouraged to carry this message of faith to foreign nations. Their first meetings were held in Ciudad Victoria, and Monterrey, Mexico.

“Of one thing we were certain. We were thoroughly convinced that the ministry of deliverance was the Bible method to reach the masses. We saw that from now on we must encourage World-Wide Revival through healing and miracles. And from that time on it became our policy to encourage men of faith to carry the gospel to foreign countries with ‘signs’ accompanying the preaching.”

“Campaigns were subsequently held in scores of countries where many thousands made their decision for Christ.”

Mar 1949:

The Voice of Healing Magazine reaches 30,000 subscribers.

Dec. 1949:

The first Voice of Healing Annual Convention was held in connection with a healing campaign featuring William Branham, Raymond T. Richey, Gayle Jackson, Velmer Gardner, Clifton Erickson, H. C. Noah, F. F. Bosworth and son Robert, Jack Moore and others.


• Large Healing Revivals hosted in the United States and numerous international locations including Canada, Sweden, Finland, Puerto Rico, Peru, and Jamaica.

• The Voice of Healing featured on the “Soul’s Harbor Program” on WTCN Television in Minneapolis.


• VOH Headquarters building completed in Dallas. (June 1, 1952, opened for business).


May 10, 1953:

A weekly national radio program, broadcast on Sundays only, was launched to encourage the World-Wide Revival Crusade. It featured the message of divine healing and deliverance from sin. Outstanding testimonies of miracles of healing which occurred in the ministries of the Voice of Healing evangelists were shared, encouraging people to believe God for whatever miracle they needed in their lives.

July 1953:
T. L. Osborn launched the Native Evangelism Plan, which was promoted through the Voice of Healing magazine.

It was a plan for sending hundreds of native evangelists into the field thus making the work in foreign lands indigenous. Within three years, nearly 1,500 native evangelists were commissioned to go forth and carry the message of Christ to their own people.

October 1953:

“In order to have mass revival and mass healings we must have mass prayer - that is there must be thousands of people praying all over the world toward a common goal.” God began to lead in the organizing of a great World Prayer Band, composed of groups of people who would continually intercede for the nations and make prayer a business in their lives. Thousands of people in this army of prayer warriors prayed daily for world revival.


June 12, 1954:
Opened printing plant.

A printing plant with a large capacity for printing tracts, books, and faith literature was built and equipped. Since then, millions of faith books have been printed as well as millions of copies of magazines in an effort to spread the knowledge of this glorious gospel of deliverance. Since 1954, Voice of Healing writers have published over a hundred book titles, with some of them having from fifty to one hundred thousand copies in circulation.

Launched “Billion Souls Crusade”


Building Revival Centers and Shelters

With thousands and even tens of thousands of converts resulting from the campaigns, it became evident that we must develop a program to build large gospel centers, strategically located throughout the world. These would take care of the converts, provide a place for the training of those specially called, and act as a springboard or a base, for evangelizing large areas. More than 10 revival centers were established around the world, including in the Philippines, Thailand, El Salvador, Peru, Kenya, and Korea.


Added the Latin America Radio Network

Partnering with Paul Finkenbinder, also known as “Hermano Pablo,” the Voice of Healing assisted with the establishment of a radio network in Central America as a follow-up of the great campaigns in that region. The network grew quickly until more than 10,000 programs per month were broadcast into numerous Latin American countries, keeping the people in touch with the deliverance message.

International Crusades:

International Crusades: Thailand; El Salvador; Colombia; Seoul, Korea; Philippines.

Deliverance Schools:

From time to time deliverance training schools were conducted in various cities for the inspiration of evangelists, pastors, missionaries and laymen. These schools were short term Bible courses in the ministry of deliverance taught by Gordon Lindsay and several of the Voice of Healing evangelists including W. V. Grant, David Nunn, Sam Todd, Dan Marocco, H. C. Noah, Raymond T. Richey, Alton Hayes, Richard Vinyard, and David Du Plessis.


Gordon Visited Israel and launched the Holy Land Outreach

• Established Voice of Healing office in Jerusalem.
• “The purpose of our mission to Israel was to set in motion a definite program for reaching the Jews with the Messianic message. Witnessing teams went from city to city carrying the message of Jesus Christ.”

April 1959:
Added World Correspondence Course.

• A World Correspondence Course was initiated in April 1959, which in a few years grew to more than 11,000 enrollees. A series of courses on the great dynamic subjects of Scripture were prepared in a simple, easy to understand style. Courses included such subjects such as Satan, demonology, prevailing prayer, and Divine healing. Additionally, we prepared volumes on the Book of Revelation, the gifts of the Spirit, and a series carrying the reader through the entire Bible in character sketches. Monthly exams were sent out and participants received a certificate upon completion of the courses.


Voice of Healing Chapel erected on Mount of Olives


September 18, 1962:
Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, International formed in Dallas.

The Full Gospel Fellowship recognizes the unity of all members of the Body of Christ. It stands strongly for the supernatural ministry and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as set forth in 1 Cor. 12. It stands for Bible righteousness in personal conduct, and it strongly encourages world evangelization and missionary effort, in fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission. By this means, the Church will bring back the King! (Matt. 24:14).


Literature Crusade started (13 of Gordon Lindsay’s books, plus 3 for children).

“Having had unusual success with literature in Israel, we felt led to launch into a program of publishing books in various languages for the unreached masses. The scope of the plan, which is in cooperation with the Native Church Crusade, goes far beyond the printing of tracts. Rather, books of 32 pages will be published which contain the Full Gospel message: salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, the second coming of Christ, victorious Christian living, etc.”

Freda Lindsay began hosting a monthly interdenominational Ladies Luncheon.

“I carried several reports in Christ For The Nations magazine, encouraging other Charismatic women to organize similar luncheons in their own communities. And when time permitted, I accepted invitations to help start some of them.”

April 1967:
Filed in Louisiana to change the name from "The Voice of Healing Publishing Company Inc.," to "Christ For The Nations, Incorporated."

"Divine healing has opened the door to reach the multitudes with the message of Christ. And thus divine healing is the means, and Christ For The Nations is the objective – and has been our objective from the beginning. Truly our call is to put the Gospel before all nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). For this reason and after much prayer, we have decided that the name of our association and magazine shall be Christ For The Nations. Of course, our emphasis on the ministry of healing shall not diminish. It is only through the supernatural and the signs following that we can in a significant way bring Christ To The Nations."

Oct. 1967:
Gordon & Freda Lindsay led their first tour group to Israel.


Sep. 1970:
Christ For The Nations Institute is established with 50 students. 9-month program.

• The Christ For The Nations Institute was planned to meet the unique needs of our time. In all respects it would function as a preparatory school for those who plan to be ministers, missionaries, or who wish to become involved in active Christian service of any kind.

• As the lay ministry has grown in importance, there has been a new realization of the need of a thorough knowledge of the Word of God with emphasis on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry of the supernatural. And this the Christ For The Nations Institute is designed to supply.

The "Luminaires" alumni singing group started by Dean Guest.


April 1, 1973:
Gordon Lindsay passed away.

"The thing that made Gordon unique was that he never seemed to be aware of the host of lives he touched, and the worldwide influence he carried. His words carried weight. And as for his deeds, he accomplished on earth what he wanted to have done when he got to heaven, not only of that which had been entrusted to him in the work of the Lord, but also of his personal possessions." - Freda Lindsay

"Sometimes, it almost overwhelms me to look back and see what God has done. I now know how it feels to have a thousand decisions to make, and suddenly have the one who has always made them gone – where you cannot even ask his advice. It’s then that I fall at the feet of Jesus, and He sends the Holy Spirit to guide me."


Dennis Lindsay started the Summer Outreach Program. First trip to Mexico.


August 1975:
Burned the mortgage for the Institute Building.

• In August 1975,
"the indebtedness for the Institute Building was completely liquidated, and we had a mortgage burning during the seminar.” The “building, plus the land, including the parking, cost over $750,000. It seemed like a giant undertaking. And I must admit, it seemed even bigger when I was left alone with the task of completing the construction on the building after Gordon was gone. But though we had 10 years in which to pay the mortgage, God helped us pay for it within two years, thus saving $165,000 in interest."


• Institute Building is expanded to seat 2,500.

• CFNI Alumni Association started by Ron Wahlrobe. Mike Massa appointed as first president.

• 5,000 Native Churches completed.

Nov. 1961:
Launched the Native Church Crusade

• Gordon & Freda travel to Central and South America, prompting the beginning of the Native Church Program, which secures donors to help put roofs on churches.

• “While it is always good to hear of new evangelistic efforts on the mission field, the facts are that unless some kind of shelter or church is built to take care of the converts the work is to a great extent lost – just as it would be here in America unless there is provision made for a place for the people to worship.”

• The Native Church Crusade was established to give American families opportunity to sponsor the building of a native church in a foreign missionary field and thus have a vital part in fulfilling Christ’s command to evangelize the nations.


Set up printing and distribution center in Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of booklets containing strong Messianic articles, Hebrew Bibles, and other books and tracts, both in Hebrew and Arabic, were distributed throughout Israel.”


Purchased the bankrupt “Oak Cliff Alpine Club” nightclub on Kiest Blvd. Renamed it the Christian Center and began holding regular seminars and evangelistic meetings.

o In June 1966, the Voice of Healing launched a training center offering regular seminars for ministers and laymen to provide intensive days of practical instruction in prayer and intercession, the art of personal soul winning, the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of deliverance, the art of counseling, practical methods on the missionary field, and divine health, daily ministering to the sick until they are healed. Nationally known ministers and those who had practical experience on the subject served as teachers.

June 5-10, 1967:
Israel’s Six-Day War.


Construction of new Headquarters Building on Conway Street, Dallas completed.

Christ For The Nations Institute began in September 1970 with its first group of hungry students. The curriculum included topics such as How to Pray for the Sick, and How the Gifts of the Spirit Operate. The founding purpose of the school was to prepare people for the supernatural ministry, with special emphasis on operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Guest teachers who were already successful in ministry on the field were brought in for limited periods. These guest teachers included Derek Prince, Kenneth Hagin, Harald Bredesen, John Osteen, Maxwell Whyte, Charles Duncombe, Loren Cunningham, Leonard Ravenhill, George Otis, Joe Poppell and others.

Dec. 1970:
Began sending out audio cassette tape recordings of CFNI classes.


Deaf Department launched.

World Relief began when Gordon and Freda Lindsay personally gave a Bible to Indira Gandhi, the prime minister of India, together with $5,000 for children caught in the Pakistan war.

The day after Gordon’s funeral, the 10-man Board of Christ For The Nations unanimously elected Freda Lindsay to serve as president.

Dennis Lindsay appointed as one of the two vice presidents.

Dedicated Christ For The Nations Institute Building.

Purchased Agape & Maranatha apartment complexes.

First Annual Worship Recording.

Launched “Signs of Love” singing/drama group using sign language to reach the hearing impaired.

Purchased Gordon Lindsay Hall on Highway 67 frontage road.

Oct. 9, 1975:
Purchased the music building.
(Per R. Delp – DL Dissertation).

Living Praise started by Dean Romanelli.​

Freda Lindsay inaugurated the Christ For Nigeria Bible School, founded by Benson Idahosa, a CFNI graduate.​


CFN Glaubenszentrum Bible School started in Wolfenbuttel, Germany.

First Annual Mardi Gras Outreach.

Support of Orphanages began after Mom Lindsay visited India and the Philippines as part of a 5-week "missionary tour to the Orient."

Construction of Student Center is completed.

May 29, 1977:
Dr. Ralph McPherson, son of the founder of the Foursquare Church, bestowed on Freda an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the International Foursquare Convention in Portland.



Voice of Healing Chapel erected on Mount of Olives

Nov. 1961:
Launched the Native Church Crusade

• Gordon & Freda travel to Central and South America, prompting the beginning of the Native Church Program, which secures donors to help put roofs on churches.

• “While it is always good to hear of new evangelistic efforts on the mission field, the facts are that unless some kind of shelter or church is built to take care of the converts the work is to a great extent lost – just as it would be here in America unless there is provision made for a place for the people to worship.”

• The Native Church Crusade was established to give American families opportunity to sponsor the building of a native church in a foreign missionary field and thus have a vital part in fulfilling Christ’s command to evangelize the nations.


September 18, 1962:
Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, International formed in Dallas.

The Full Gospel Fellowship recognizes the unity of all members of the Body of Christ. It stands strongly for the supernatural ministry and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as set forth in 1 Cor. 12. It stands for Bible righteousness in personal conduct, and it strongly encourages world evangelization and missionary effort, in fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission. By this means, the Church will bring back the King! (Matt. 24:14).


Set up printing and distribution center in Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of booklets containing strong Messianic articles, Hebrew Bibles, and other books and tracts, both in Hebrew and Arabic, were distributed throughout Israel.”


Literature Crusade started (13 of Gordon Lindsay’s books, plus 3 for children).

“Having had unusual success with literature in Israel, we felt led to launch into a program of publishing books in various languages for the unreached masses. The scope of the plan, which is in cooperation with the Native Church Crusade, goes far beyond the printing of tracts. Rather, books of 32 pages will be published which contain the Full Gospel message: salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, the second coming of Christ, victorious Christian living, etc.”


Purchased the bankrupt “Oak Cliff Alpine Club” nightclub on Kiest Blvd. Renamed it the Christian Center and began holding regular seminars and evangelistic meetings.

In June 1966, the Voice of Healing launched a training center offering regular seminars for ministers and laymen to provide intensive days of practical instruction in prayer and intercession, the art of personal soul winning, the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of deliverance, the art of counseling, practical methods on the missionary field, and divine health, daily ministering to the sick until they are healed. Nationally known ministers and those who had practical experience on the subject served as teachers.

Freda Lindsay began hosting a monthly interdenominational Ladies Luncheon.

“I carried several reports in Christ For The Nations magazine, encouraging other Charismatic women to organize similar luncheons in their own communities. And when time permitted, I accepted invitations to help start some of them.”

April 1967:
Filed in Louisiana to change the name from "The Voice of Healing Publishing Company Inc.," to "Christ For The Nations, Incorporated."

"Divine healing has opened the door to reach the multitudes with the message of Christ. And thus divine healing is the means, and Christ For The Nations is the objective – and has been our objective from the beginning. Truly our call is to put the Gospel before all nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). For this reason and after much prayer, we have decided that the name of our association and magazine shall be Christ For The Nations. Of course, our emphasis on the ministry of healing shall not diminish. It is only through the supernatural and the signs following that we can in a significant way bring Christ To The Nations."

June 5-10, 1967:
Israel’s Six-Day War.

Oct. 1967:
Gordon & Freda Lindsay led their first tour group to Israel.


Construction of new Headquarters Building on Conway Street, Dallas completed.


Sep. 1970:
Christ For The Nations Institute is established with 50 students. 9-month program.

Christ For The Nations Institute began in September 1970 with its first group of hungry students. The curriculum included topics such as How to Pray for the Sick, and How the Gifts of the Spirit Operate. The founding purpose of the school was to prepare people for the supernatural ministry, with special emphasis on operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Guest teachers who were already successful in ministry on the field were brought in for limited periods. These guest teachers included Derek Prince, Kenneth Hagin, Harald Bredesen, John Osteen, Maxwell Whyte, Charles Duncombe, Loren Cunningham, Leonard Ravenhill, George Otis, Joe Poppell and others.

• The Christ For The Nations Institute was planned to meet the unique needs of our time. In all respects it would function as a preparatory school for those who plan to be ministers, missionaries, or who wish to become involved in active Christian service of any kind.

• As the lay ministry has grown in importance, there has been a new realization of the need of a thorough knowledge of the Word of God with emphasis on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry of the supernatural. And this the Christ For The Nations Institute is designed to supply.

Dec. 1970:
Began sending out audio cassette tape recordings of CFNI classes.


Deaf Department launched.

The "Luminaires" alumni singing group started by Dean Guest.

World Relief began when Gordon and Freda Lindsay personally gave a Bible to Indira Gandhi, the prime minister of India, together with $5,000 for children caught in the Pakistan war.


April 1, 1973:
Gordon Lindsay passed away.

"The thing that made Gordon unique was that he never seemed to be aware of the host of lives he touched, and the worldwide influence he carried. His words carried weight. And as for his deeds, he accomplished on earth what he wanted to have done when he got to heaven, not only of that which had been entrusted to him in the work of the Lord, but also of his personal possessions." - Freda Lindsay

"Sometimes, it almost overwhelms me to look back and see what God has done. I now know how it feels to have a thousand decisions to make, and suddenly have the one who has always made them gone – where you cannot even ask his advice. It’s then that I fall at the feet of Jesus, and He sends the Holy Spirit to guide me."

The day after Gordon’s funeral, the 10-man Board of Christ For The Nations unanimously elected Freda Lindsay to serve as president.

Dennis Lindsay appointed as one of the two vice presidents.

Dedicated Christ For The Nations Institute Building.


Purchased Agape & Maranatha apartment complexes.

First Annual Worship Recording.

Launched “Signs of Love” singing/drama group using sign language to reach the hearing impaired.

Dennis Lindsay started the Summer Outreach Program. First trip to Mexico.


Purchased Gordon Lindsay Hall on Highway 67 frontage road.

August 1975:
Burned the mortgage for the Institute Building.

In August 1975,
"the indebtedness for the Institute Building was completely liquidated, and we had a mortgage burning during the seminar.” The “building, plus the land, including the parking, cost over $750,000. It seemed like a giant undertaking. And I must admit, it seemed even bigger when I was left alone with the task of completing the construction on the building after Gordon was gone. But though we had 10 years in which to pay the mortgage, God helped us pay for it within two years, thus saving $165,000 in interest."

Oct. 9, 1975:
Purchased the music building.
(Per R. Delp – DL Dissertation).

Living Praise started by Dean Romanelli.​

Freda Lindsay inaugurated the Christ For Nigeria Bible School, founded by Benson Idahosa, a CFNI graduate.​


CFN Glaubenszentrum Bible School started in Wolfenbuttel, Germany.

First Annual Mardi Gras Outreach.

Support of Orphanages began after Mom Lindsay visited India and the Philippines as part of a 5-week "missionary tour to the Orient."


Construction of Student Center is completed.

May 29, 1977:
Dr. Ralph McPherson, son of the founder of the Foursquare Church, bestowed on Freda an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the International Foursquare Convention in Portland.


• Institute Building is expanded to seat 2,500.

• CFNI Alumni Association started by Ron Wahlrobe. Mike Massa appointed as first president.

• 5,000 Native Churches completed.


Jerusalem Center opened in Israel.


Construction of Jack Moore Library Chapel is completed and dedicated debt-free.

Dec. 1983:
Sheraton Hotel purchased for use as men’s dorms and renamed Gordon Lindsay Tower.

Dennis Lindsay appointed President.


Washington For Jesus Rally


• Youth For The Nations Summer Camp started by Brad Howard with assistance from Bobby Bogart.

• Sep. 1990: First Annual Women’s Conference started by Ginger Lindsay.

• CFN Academy (ACE/School of Tomorrow) started.


• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Timisoara.


• Purchased Courts of Praise apartment complex from HUD for $10.00.

• Hosted first Annual Worship Conference.

• Third Year School of Pastoral Ministry started by Randy Delp.

• CFN Brazil started.


• Aug. 1998: Spanish School (Instituto Biblico en Espanol) started by Palemon Camu.

• Aug. 1998: Third Year School of Worship and the Arts started by Arlene Friesen. First Director was Thomas Miller.


Cornerstone Apartments built.

CFN Institute of Biblical Studies started in New York. (Closed in 1991)

June 20, 1983:
Freda Lindsay honored as the Christian Woman of the Year.


The mortgage for the GLT was burned during morning chapel.


• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.

Spring 1988 graduation


CFN Canada started –
Opening Rally -September 10, 1989.


• Third Year School of Missions started by Larry Hill.

• Third Year School of Youth Ministry started by Bobby Bogart.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship started.

• Creative Musical Drama ministry started by Anna Jeanne Price and Rayanna Fields.

• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Suceava.


• Freda Lindsay resigns as Chairman of the Board. Dennis Lindsay appointed as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.

• Started construction on Freda Lindsay World Missions Building.


• Christ For Moldova started.

• 10,000 Native Churches completed.


Jerusalem Center opened in Israel.


Construction of Jack Moore Library Chapel is completed and dedicated debt-free.


Cornerstone Apartments built.

CFN Institute of Biblical Studies started in New York. (Closed in 1991)

June 20, 1983:
Freda Lindsay honored as the Christian Woman of the Year.


The mortgage for the GLT was burned during morning chapel.


• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.

Dec. 1983:
Sheraton Hotel purchased for use as men’s dorms and renamed Gordon Lindsay Tower.

Dennis Lindsay appointed President.

• May 2, 1987:
Dr. Oral Roberts presented Freda Lindsay with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Oral Roberts University.

• CFN Jamaica started.


Washington For Jesus Rally

Spring 1988 graduation


CFN Canada started –
Opening Rally -September 10, 1989.


• Youth For The Nations Summer Camp started by Brad Howard with assistance from Bobby Bogart.

• Sep. 1990: First Annual Women’s Conference started by Ginger Lindsay.

• CFN Academy (ACE/School of Tomorrow) started.


• Third Year School of Missions started by Larry Hill.

• Third Year School of Youth Ministry started by Bobby Bogart.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship started.

• Creative Musical Drama ministry started by Anna Jeanne Price and Rayanna Fields.

• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Suceava.


• Christ For Romania Bible School started in Timisoara.


• Freda Lindsay resigns as Chairman of the Board. Dennis Lindsay appointed as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.

• Started construction on Freda Lindsay World Missions Building.


• Purchased Courts of Praise apartment complex from HUD for $10.00.

• Hosted first Annual Worship Conference.

• Third Year School of Pastoral Ministry started by Randy Delp.

• CFN Brazil started.


• Christ For Moldova started.

• 10,000 Native Churches completed.


• Aug. 1998: Spanish School (Instituto Biblico en Espanol) started by Palemon Camu.

• Aug. 1998: Third Year School of Worship and the Arts started by Arlene Friesen. First Director was Thomas Miller.


• Dennis & Ginger lead their first Holy Land Tour.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship changes name to CFN Fellowship of Ministers and Churches (CFNFMC).


CFNI transitioned to a three-year program.


April 18, 2008:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay, on the occasion of her 94th birthday, announced her retirement.


March 25, 2010:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay passed away.

Nov. 13, 2010:
Ginger Lindsay appointed as Chief Operating Officer.

Oct. 2010:
Museum of Earth History opened.


• Third Year Healing major started (by Alta Hatcher).

• Third Year Biblical Counseling major started.

• Third Year Evangelism major started.

• Third Year Creative Media major started.

• First Voice of Healing Conference – “Believe in Miracles Symposium”


• Evening and Weekend Program launched.

• Third Year School of Children’s Ministry started by Connie McKenzie.

• New Christian Center building completed.


Kids For The Nations Summer Day camp begins.


Third Year Marketplace Ministry major started by Will Ford.


• Dennis & Ginger lead their first Holy Land Tour.

• Alumni Ministers Fellowship changes name to CFN Fellowship of Ministers and Churches (CFNFMC).


• Evening and Weekend Program launched.

• Third Year School of Children’s Ministry started by Connie McKenzie.

• New Christian Center building completed.


CFNI transitioned to a three-year program.


Kids For The Nations Summer Day camp begins.


April 18, 2008:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay, on the occasion of her 94th birthday, announced her retirement.


March 25, 2010:
Mrs. Freda Lindsay passed away.

Nov. 13, 2010:
Ginger Lindsay appointed as Chief Operating Officer.

Oct. 2010:
Museum of Earth History opened.


• Third Year Healing major started (by Alta Hatcher).

• Third Year Biblical Counseling major started.

• Third Year Evangelism major started.

• Third Year Creative Media major started.

• First Voice of Healing Conference – “Believe in Miracles Symposium”


Third Year Marketplace Ministry major started by Will Ford.