UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!                                                                                                                                         UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!

Expanding Our Reach

Partner with us to enlarge the global reach of Christ For The Nations as we promote the life-changing student experience at CFNI, connect with our alumni, and expand God’s Kingdom in the nations.

Level Up

Gifts Received So Far

Increase the quality and scope of promoting CFNI by updating our studio and equipment.

Level Up

Gifts Received So Far

Increase the quality and scope of promoting CFNI by updating our studio and equipment.


Extend the global impact of our worship by providing instruments, studio and stage equipment, and updating our live streaming ability.


Extend the global impact of our worship by providing instruments, studio and stage equipment, and updating our live streaming ability.

A Strong Bond

Gifts Received So Far

Enrich our CFNI global community by strengthening our alumni connection. CFNI has enrolled more than 40,000 students over the years. If each alumnus gave $10, what an impact that would be!

A Strong Bond

Gifts Received So Far

Enrich our CFNI global community by strengthening our alumni connection. CFNI has enrolled more than 40,000 students over the years. If each alumnus gave $10, what an impact that would be!

Heart For Missions

Gifts Received So Far

Global Missions has been at the heart of Christ For The Nations since its founding, 76 years ago. Help us continue roofing churches, supporting orphanages abroad, standing with Israel, providing world relief, distributing literature, leading short-term outreaches, and strengthening international Bible Schools.

Heart For Missions

Gifts Received So Far

Global Missions has been at the heart of Christ For The Nations since its founding, 76 years ago. Help us continue roofing churches, supporting orphanages abroad, standing with Israel, providing world relief, distributing literature, leading short-term outreaches, and strengthening international Bible Schools.

Our Legacy

Gifts Received So Far

Build toward the future while honoring our heritage by preserving and sharing Christ For The Nations teachings and worship online. (Visit cfni.org/ourhistory for more of our history!)

Our Legacy

Gifts Received So Far

Build toward the future while honoring our heritage by preserving and sharing Christ For The Nations teachings and worship online. (Visit cfni.org/ourhistory for more of our history!)

Level Up

Increase the quality and scope of promoting CFNI by updating our studio and equipment.

Powerful Songs Need Powerful Equipment

Gifts Received So Far

In honor of powerful songs that have been birthed at CFNI such as “As the Deer”, “Revelation Song”, and “When I Think About the Lord”, we’re looking for 25 people to give $100 each to help improve our worship streaming equipment.

Powerful Songs Need Powerful Equipment

Gifts Received So Far
In honor of powerful songs that have been birthed at CFNI such as “As the Deer”, “Revelation Song”, and “When I Think About the Lord”, we’re looking for 25 people to give $100 each to help improve our worship streaming equipment.

Morning Chapel

Gifts Received So Far

In honor of powerful songs that have been birthed at CFNI such as “As the Deer”, “Revelation Song”, and “When I Think About the Lord”, we’re looking for 25 people to give $100 each to help improve our worship streaming equipment.

Morning Chapel

Gifts Received So Far

In honor of powerful songs that have been birthed at CFNI such as “As the Deer”, “Revelation Song”, and “When I Think About the Lord”, we’re looking for 25 people to give $100 each to help improve our worship streaming equipment.

CFNI Music Building

Gifts Received So Far

Calling all former worship students! Remember those tiny practice rooms? The Lord is STILL moving in them through the hearts and creativity of worship students. Let’s come together and help level up the music building!

CFNI Music Building

Gifts Received So Far

Calling all former worship students! Remember those tiny practice rooms? The Lord is STILL moving in them through the hearts and creativity of worship students. Let’s come together and help level up the music building!

Annual Worship Recordings

Gifts Received So Far

CFN has released more than 50 annual student body worship recordings since 1974. If 20 people give $200 each we can continue reaching people around the world through worship!

Annual Worship Recordings

Gifts Received So Far

CFN has released more than 50 annual student body worship recordings since 1974. If 20 people give $200 each we can continue reaching people around the world through worship!

A strong bond

Enrich our CFNI global community by strengthening our alumni connection. CFNI has enrolled more than 40,000 students over the years. If each alumnus gave $10, what an impact that would be!

Heart for missions

Global Missions has been at the heart of Christ For The Nations since its founding, 76 years ago. Help us continue ministry among the nations.

Our Legacy

Build toward the future while honoring our heritage by preserving and sharing Christ For The Nations teachings and worship online. (Visit cfni.org/ourhistory for more of our history!)

Powerful Songs Need Powerful Equipment

In honor of powerful songs that have been birthed at CFNI such as “As the Deer”, “Revelation Song”, and “When I Think About the Lord”, we’re looking for 25 people to give $100 each to help improve our worship streaming equipment.

Morning Chapel

We know that the CFNI Chapel holds special memories for so many students and alumni because of encounters with the Lord during Chapel. Give in honor of what the Lord has done and keep the daily and weekly worship going!

CFNI Music Building

Calling all former worship students! Remember those tiny practice rooms? The Lord is STILL moving in them through the hearts and creativity of worship students. Let’s come together and help level up the music building!

Annual Worship Recordings

CFN has released more than 50 annual student body worship recordings since 1974. If 20 people give $200 each we can continue reaching people around the world through worship!