BIB 103

New Testament Survey

The Old Testament isn’t a book, much as it’s a collection of books–with some of the books, themselves, being collections of collections. As the class title informs, herein students will survey the Old Testament book(s)—both its worlds and words. As for its “worlds,” this course will give special attention to biblical history, in the process of which we will consider various social pressures, which had a direct effect on Israel and Judah, and factored into the various prophetic exhortations given by the prophets, which were then recorded and preserved in the Old Testament corpus. As for the Old Testament’s “words,” students will become better acquainted with the Pentateuch, historical literature, wisdom literature, the writings of the prophets, along some of their Christological significance and more. By means of the above, students should become better acquainted with the Hebrew Bible and, as a result, be better able to minister the life-giving Word by virtue of having been formally and systematically introduced to it.

SPN 121

Introducción al Nuevo Testamento

El propósito del curso es que el alumno obtenga una visión general del Nuevo Testamento. Identifique el carácter de Dios en cada uno de los libros. El punto central del curso es la autorrevelación de Dios y el desarrollo de Su plan para su pueblo. Proporcionará el panorama general de la historia e identificará los temas, eventos y personajes principales del Nuevo Testamento.

MIN 109

Foundations in Prayer and the Holy Spirit

This course is designed to help the student understand the dynamics of prayer and the importance of a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. The teachings are based on learning the different kinds of Biblical prayers and practical ways to apply them to our lives, as well as developing a well-rounded understanding of the Person and function of the Holy Spirit in our lives as well as our prayers. The student will learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit in all areas of our lives, and how to discern by the Holy Spirit which type of prayer to apply to different situations and circumstances. The types of prayer learned will be applicable to the personal prayer and devotional life, how to effectively pray for one’s’ self, family members (including unsaved loved ones), corporate prayer, prayer in a small group setting, praying in church and other public settings, how to do spiritual warfare in prayer and pray for nations, cultures, governments, and society. Aspects of the Holy Spirit studied will include Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, Daily Life in the Holy Spirit, the Fruit of the Spirit, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and Gifts and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit.


Personal Discipleship

There are two goals for this class: to become a disciple of Christ and to make disciples of Christ. This class is intended to enable the student to intimately communicate with God in order that they may know God’s will, grow in the knowledge of His Word, overcome temptation, and live a holy life. After gaining a firm foundation in his or her personal discipleship, the student will then learn how to effectively develop relationships with others, lead them to Christ, and take spiritual responsibility for their life.

THE 102

Basic Christian Doctrine

Basic Christian Doctrines is a course that will help the student form a solid foundation in their faith, understanding the core orthodox beliefs of Christianity.

BIB 267

Book of Revelation

We are all living in the Last Days. The “Blessed Hope” of Christ’s Glorious Return is near. (Titus 2:13, Rev.1:3). The need to understand the Book of Revelation (The Revelation of Jesus Christ) along with Eschatology and its main theological views, has never been greater. Both the Book of Daniel and Revelation are considered “Apocalyptic Literature”, which is a genre of prophetical writing that developed in post-Exilic Jewish culture. Those two books only are officially accepted as Jewish and Christian Canon (regarding Apocalyptic books). Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning “revelation”, “an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling”. This class will thoroughly cover the Book of Revelation, as well as Eschatology and End-Time events. Associated prophetic chapters from the Book of Daniel, as well as other OT and NT scriptural passages related to end-time prophecy, will also be key to understanding this subject. The Student will learn a balanced Biblical & theological view of the subject matter, while at the same time recognizing the tremendous eschatological and prophetic signs that have occurred in the last 125+ years, especially from 1948 onward concerning the Nation of Israel. There is special blessing to those who read and who hear the prophecy (Revelation) and heed (keep) the things written in it; for the time is near. (Rev. 1:3) Eschatology (Theology of End Times) is defined as: a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind. Specifically: any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the Resurrection of the Dead, or the Last Judgment. There is nothing more glorious for the righteous (or dreadful for the unrighteous) than the prophetic future of Revelation, chapters 19-22. Premillennialism in Eschatology is the belief that Jesus will physically return to the Earth (the Second Coming) before the Millennium, a literal thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth. Premillennialism is based upon a literal interpretation of Revelation 20:1–6. Please note that this is only one main view of the Millennium that Christian’s believe in.

MIN 294

Inner Healing and Deliverance Through the Prophetic

In this life transforming class, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of receiving and ministering deliverance through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual roots of some psychological, emotional, and physical issues will be discussed, as well as related natural causes and predispositions. In addition to contemporary Christian ministry tools, the role of prayer and the prophetic in resolving complex emotional and psychological issues will be explored both theoretically and practically. At the end of the class, students are expected to experience inner breakthrough and healing as well as the knowledge and understanding to minister to individuals and families suffering emotional and psychological traumas.

BIB 212

Book of John

Someone said, the Gospel of John is both shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough for an elephant to swim in. It is often recommended for new believers to read. John’s Gospel presents themes of light and life, truth and belief, lifting up and glory. These themes all introduce the hearer to Jesus Christ. This course assesses these themes within the Book of Signs and the Book of Glory in John’s Gospel. Comparison with the other Gospels will help us understand the key aspects of John’s Christology and an understanding of Jesus as the Word of God.

MIN 295

Prayer and the Supernatural

Prayer and the Supernatural is a walk through the scriptures showing how each interacts with the other. The Bible tells us, “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:20 KJV). In this course, the student will learn how to pray, engage with the Bible, and see the Lord working His manifestations through the individual with signs and wonders, for the glory of God. The Bible is clear that angels and demons are real. This course will cover a wide range of how the Bible and prayer contend against demonic forces. The World is in an era of serious warfare and the Body of Christ must remember that Jesus has already won this war. As in any warfare, the military must know their opponent and how to “war a good warfare” (1 Timothy 1:18, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5). KJV

MIN 259


Christian apologetics is the study of how to defend the Christian faith. All worldviews are expressions of faith; therefore, the differences in the various worldviews are due to different theologies. The assumptions of Christianity are biblically based and can be rationally defended. The current understanding of Christian apologetics is based on biblical and philosophical studies conducted over two millennia of church history. The goal of this course is to demonstrate the superiority of a Christian worldview over all other competing worldviews. The mandate for Christian apologetics, from 1 Peter 3:15, charges every Christian to be prepared to give a defense for their hope. This course will equip students to better understand Christianity and to defend the faith more effectively.

BIB 286

Book of Galatians

Galatians is considered by many scholars to be Paul’s first extant correspondence to one of his churches. While there is debate over the former claim it is without dispute that Galatians is one of Paul’s earliest writings. The letter itself reveals Paul’s Gospel-dominated reality as originating in the centrality of the risen Christ and his indwelling Spirit. The incarnation and resurrection of Jesus has resulted in changes on every level of existence and Paul holds no punches in articulating these points. This class will involve an in-depth examination of the Galatian letter using exegetical methods to unpack the richness of the text.

BIB 202

Hermeneutics: Principles and Methods for Interpreting the Bible

This course is an introduction to the biblical, contextual and cultural analysis of biblical hermeneutics with a focus on the “Spirit” of hermeneutics that recognizes the essential role the Holy Spirit plays in biblical interpretation. As well, issues believers face in their journey to maturity in Christ to learn, know/hear, and understand the voice of God in their daily walk with the Lord in biblical (word) and Spirit (living) hermeneutics.

MIN 225


Homiletics is a study of the art and science of preaching. This class will cover keys to effective public speaking and serve as a thorough examination of accurate and inspirational Gospel/Biblical communication.

CFM 201

Principles of Effective Children’s Ministry

Ministry to children, preteens, and their families is exciting and rewarding. Jesus gave the mandate to “let the children come to me”, yet the world seems determined to keep kids away from the things of God. We will explore the real needs of kids and learn many practical ways to guide and minister to them in their journey of faith.

MIN 230

Financial Principles

This course aims to equip students with essential personal financial management skills grounded in biblical principles. Key topics covered will include an overview of the financial planning process, goal-setting, cash flow management, financial statements, income taxes, banking, credit and debt, investing, renting, home buying, and decision-making strategies. The course encourages practical application of financial planning concepts and features assignments that promote critical thinking and financial data analysis. By the end of the course, students will be able to apply their knowledge to their future endeavors, enhancing their financial literacy.

BIB 235

I & II Peter: Hope Beyond Failure

I Peter addresses Christian living in the midst of persecution. His exhortations of faithful living provide the backdrop for the reason of the hope that is within Christians; we have a heavenly inheritance. We will see how developing patience during unjust suffering equips the believer to become a redeeming force in the world in spite of suffering. We’ll talk about what it means to ‘suffer well.’ and of course this powerful verse “…always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” They won’t ask, if they don’t see a demonstration of hope in our lives…regardless of circumstances. II Peter is a letter that gives instruction and exhortation as Peter is nearing the end of his life. Whereas I Peter encourages Christians to maintain their hope in the midst of persecution, II Peter warns Christians against false teachers within their own fellowship who would try to lead them away from Christ and into apostasy. Fidelity to the apostolic teaching is the main theme because heretical teachers are within and without the church. The antidote or remedy against encroaching error is to continue to grow steadfast in the knowledge of the Lord.

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