Christ For The Nations

Giving Programs

Christ For The Nations has twelve foundational pillars which also serve as our organizational Core Values. These twelve pillars support and direct our mission of training world changers. We have incorporated the twelve pillars as giving levels for our monthly and 5-year giving programs in honor of the significant impact that God continues to allow CFN to have around the world.

World Changers

1 Year Commitment

The CFN World Changers monthly giving program has been established to sustain and grow the operations of Christ For The Nations, Inc. Through this 1-year commitment, friends of the ministry empower Christ For The Nations to fulfill its mission of training world changers to impact this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Benefits of Giving

CFN World Changers are:
  • Invited to special events
  • Prayed for by staff and volunteers
  • Offered special seating at events when possible
  • Blessed with resources to empower your walk with the Lord
  • Kept up to date regarding services and initiatives of Christ For The Nations
  • Blessed to be part of a like-minded community of believers in Jesus Christ to accomplish the Great Commission

Lindsay Fellowship

5 Year Commitment

CFN World Changers who go above and beyond a one-year pledge by making a five-year commitment will be included in the Lindsay Fellowship in honor of the founders of Christ For The Nations, Gordon and Freda Lindsay, and the current Lindsay family who consistently support the mission and vision of Christ For The Nations through their leadership, personal giving, and commitment to the future success of the ministry.

Benefits of Giving

Lindsay Fellowship partners are:
  • Invited to special events
  • Prayed for by staff and volunteers
  • Offered special seating at events when possible
  • Blessed with resources to empower your walk with the Lord
  • Kept up to date regarding CFN and CFNI services and initiatives
  • Blessed to be part of a likeminded community of believers in Jesus Christ to accomplish the Great Commission
  • Invited to an annual fellowship gathering with the Lindsays and senior CFN leadership

Giving Programs

1 & 5 Year Commitments

Global Impact