Postponed Until Summer 2026


Due to the wide-ranging impact of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East, Christ For The Nations’ leadership carefully contemplated the crisis and ultimately made a decision to postpone CFN’s 2024 Holy Land Tour with the Greek Cruise Extension trip. This means CFN will NOT be leading a Greek cruise and Israel tour in 2024 but will resume both our annual CFN Holy Land Tour and the much anticipated Greek Cruise extension trip in the summer of 2025. Like you, our team was excited about returning to Israel this year so that our guests could experience the beauty, history and culture of the land where Jesus lived, died and rose from the tomb, but at this time, we feel that the best decision is to postpone the trip until next year. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused in your schedule but appreciate your understanding and patience.

As we postpone this year, would you please visit our website in the coming months for detailed information about CFN’s 2025 Holy Land Tour and Greek Cruise extension trip. Please register early before all the seats are booked. Our president Dr. Dennis Lindsay and his wife Ginger Lindsay look forward to hosting you next year in Israel and in Greece. Please continue to lift up Israel and the Palestinians in your prayers. Yeshua is the Prince of Peace!

The Holy Land By Gordon Lindsay

“And so the work of Israel goes forward. But we need the prayers of God’s people for a realbreak-through in that land. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee.”
Lindsay, Gordon. The Gordon Lindsay Story, CFN Publishing, 2008 Reprint


Tour Hosts

Dennis & Ginger Lindsay

Tour Director

Marianne Allen


Global Impact