Christ For The Nations Missionary Assistance Program Services (MAPS) is designed to support CFNI graduates as they serve on the mission field in over 20 nations around the globe. Through MAPS, these missionaries can receive the funds needed to run their ministry, spreading the Gospel and serving their communities in a variety of impactful ways, including church planting, discipleship, education evangelism, and more.
Missionaries in the MAPS program are engaged in a wide variety of impactful ministries—preaching, teaching, and pastoring, as well as leading children’s, youth, and women’s ministries. Some manage orphanages and Bible schools, while others deliver essential services such as health and dental care, agricultural training, and community development. Many serve in challenging and remote areas, sharing the love of Christ and the message of salvation with those who have never encountered it before.

MAPS Program Highlights

Financial Support: Donor funds are processed through MAPS, allowing missionaries to receive tax-deductible donations while serving abroad.

Accountability: Missionaries submit monthly reports detailing the use of donor funds, ensuring transparency and accountability.

By partnering with MAPS, you help those missionaries to bring the love of Christ to the unreached, making an eternal impact in communities across the world.

If you have any questions regarding the MAPS Program, please feel free to contact us at

How You Can Participate

As mentioned above, many of these MAPS missionaries are doing frontline pioneering work, work that is “good ground” and worthy of our support. You can join us be selecting from the list missionaries here and donating to a location or ministry that God has laid on your heart. You can help one of these pioneers expand the kingdom into new places!
You can donate to support a missionary today!

Sending a Check?

If you prefer, you may send a check to Christ For The Nations at P. O. Box 769000, Dallas, Texas 75376-9000.
Please include a note stating your giving designation. Thank you.
Did you know that CFNI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?

Christ For The Nations Tax ID: 75-0859667

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, any contribution is made with the understanding that Christ For The Nations has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. Christ For The Nations, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Texas.

Global Impact