The Native Church Program offered a meaningful way for partners to support the roofing of 12,100 churches in over 100 nations in 62 years – a church roof every 5 days!

This initiative enables churchgoers to focus on worship without distraction, and to foster collaboration with supporters from afar.

Goals of the
native church program

How You Can Help

13141: UGANDA
The church got underway with five people meeting and now, through healings and miracles has grown to 79 members from a community of 4,700 people, Please come alongside this congregation with your partnership of up to $4,400.
13142: UGANDA
This congregation began under an avocado tree, with seven people. When a young woman was healed from years-long suffering and got saved, the church began to grow to its current membership of 213, including 51 children. Would the Lord have you partner with this work for a sponsorship of $4,400 (or part thereof) for a good roof on the building?
13143: UGANDA
The church was planted after first one person was healed in answer to prayer. Her testimony led to many more people being healed and then saved. The twenty-some new believers asked the person who prayed for her healing to form a church, which he did – back in 2016. This is the only evangelical church in a wide radius - and obviously much needed! Its 155 (and growing!) Members are praying for a miracle of $4,400 to finish their building. Please prayerfully consider to be a part of the answer to their prayer.
13148: UGANDA
The church was founded in 2016 in a temporary shelter. The congregation meets in a make-shift shack is visible in this photo. Many of the members were under the spell of evil spirits until they got saved. Of 1,800 people in the community, 75 are members of this, the only Pentecostal church in a wide radius. Please partner with us for up to $4,400 to put a roof on this church.
13150: SERBIA
With less than 2% of the population being evangelical and even less Pentecostal / Charismatic believers, and a consistent outflow of youth to other nations, this church is a lighthouse for the aging and rural population of the area. Please come alongside our fellow believers with your partnership of up to $4,400 to replace the roof of the church.
13151: INDIA
The pastor began children’s ministry in this village in 2005, but it was not until 2012 that enough adults were saved as a result, that a church became viable. The church membership of 200 is from 75 families who have gotten saved, baptized and delivered. Please come alongside them to add a concrete roof that will later be the floor of the next stage. $4,350 needed.
13153: KENYA
Begun in 2017 by a pastor who has since passed away, this church is now pastored by his widow. The initial ten members have increased to 60, with 40 children. The community has 3,000 inhabitants. Please further the work of God here with a sponsorship of $4,500 or part of the amount.
13154: ZAMBIA
In 2012, the founding pastor won a teacher to the Lord, which opened the door to renting a classroom for services. The first attendees were mostly students, but over the years some 230 people were saved and became members of the church in this community of 25,000. The congregation meets in the blue tent inside the church which needs a roof. Your gift of $4,500 or any part of it will help this congregation see their prayers answered.
Each project application is prayerfully considered and approved for a certain amount. This amount is reflected in the “Full” column. “Half” indicates the amount needed to sponsor half of the project. “Needed” is the amount not yet covered by other partners. Any commitment of $600 or above to a given project is considered a part sponsorship. Repeated or one-time gifts of any amount are always welcome!

Sending a Check?

If you prefer, you may send a check to Christ For The Nations at P. O. Box 769000, Dallas, Texas 75376-9000.
Please include a note stating your giving designation. Thank you.
Did you know that CFNI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?

Christ For The Nations Tax ID: 75-0859667

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, any contribution is made with the understanding that Christ For The Nations has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. Christ For The Nations, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Texas.

Global Impact