
Personal Discipleship

Instructor: Adam McCain

Format: Video

Course Description: There are two goals for this class: to become a disciple of Christ and to make disciples of Christ. This class is intended to enable the student to intimately communicate with God in order that they may know God’s will, grow in the knowledge of His Word, overcome temptation, and live a holy life. After gaining a firm foundation in his or her personal discipleship, the student will then learn how to effectively develop relationships with others, lead them to Christ, and take spiritual responsibility for their life.


Old Testament Survey

Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Seif

Format: Video

Course Description: As the title informs, herein students will survey the Old Testament—both its worlds and words. As for its “worlds,” this course will give special attention to biblical history, in the process of which we will consider various social pressures, which had a direct effect on Israel and Judah, and factored into the various prophetic exhortations given by the prophets, which were then recorded and preserved in the Old Testament corpus. As for the Old Testament’s “words,” students will become better acquainted with the Pentateuch, historical literature, wisdom literature, the writings of the prophets, some of their Christological significance and more. By means of the above, students should become better acquainted with the Hebrew Bible and, as a result, be better able to minister the life-giving Word by virtue of their having been formally and systematically introduced to it.


Basic Christian Doctrine

Instructor: Chris Estrada

Format: Video

Course Description: As believers, we called to be constantly progressing in our spiritual maturity. Students will study foundational theological & doctrinal topics that create a balanced Christian lifestyle resulting in solid biblical knowledge, increased intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a solid scriptural belief structure.


New Testament Survey

Instructor: Gabriel Castagno

Format: Video

Course Description: This course will focus on a general overview of the New Testament canon. Our textbook study will provide insights as to how the political, religious and social elements in a first century context inform the NT writings, as well as dealing with issues of authorship, dating, and book outlines. The course lectures will be devoted to a book-by-book (some shorter books may be grouped together) study noting thematic messages that are transcultural and transgenerational.


The Holy Spirit

Instructor: Eric Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: An examination of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. A study of the Book of Acts with respect to the Holy Spirit’s activities. A view of the operations/gifts of the Holy Spirit in worship and daily practice.


Life and Teachings of Christ

Instructor: Gabriel Castagno

Format: Video

Course Description: The Life and Teachings of Christ is a journey through the Gospel of Mark that unpacks the significance of this man called Jesus, the message that he preached, and what it all means for humanity. Jesus’ primary emphasis was on the Kingdom of God, which is God’s reality in relation to the whole creation, so this will be the majority subject for this class.


Prayer and Intercession

Instructor: Terry Kinard

Format: Video

Course Description: The privilege of Prayer based on the principles of the Word of God is the foundation of our spiritual life. The Bible tells us “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6) “for he that cometh to him must believe…” The Prayer of Faith brings the reality of the spirit realm into our everyday experience. The disciples asked Jesus, “What must we do to work the works of God?” and Jesus replied, “This is the work of God, that you believe…” (John 6:29). By Prayer and the Word of God we grow in knowledge and revelation of Him (Ephesians 1:18). And we are kept from temptation as we “watch and pray.” The Word alone without Prayer puffs up with knowledge and pride, and leads to dogmatic contention, not being balanced by love. Prayer without the foundation of the Word of God leads to fanaticism and false doctrine (Mark 7:7) and produces Christians who are blown about by erroneous winds of mysticism, which have no merit in light of the true mind and will of God.


Principles of Faith

Instructor: Eric Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: A study of the Principles of Faith based on the Word of God. A thorough examination of Biblical believing and how to please God.


Creation Science

Instructor: Dr. Dennis Lindsay

Format: Video

Course Description: A study of the evolutionary theory versus creation science from a biblical worldview. Provocative ideas regarding the flood and other catastrophic biblical events will be discussed, including those that are to occur at the end of the age.


Systematic Theology

Instructor: Dr. Jim Mackey

Format: Video

Course Description: Theology is not just an exercise of the mind as relating to truths of God, it is to be a Godward compelling force taught and lived among learners of the Lord Jesus Christ as members of His Church and Body. It is to be the determinate safe-guard for belief and practice of the believer. From the embryonic Church in Acts, sound doctrine has been taught, studied…and defended. This course, an orderly and systematic study of God and His truth, will be presentation of theology that is in keeping with the Pentecostal community of faith. Theological development in a Pentecostal framework will be the template of study to provide the student with a firm foundation withstanding philosophies and vain arguments from today’s culture.


Beginner Vocal Workshop (extra credit elective)

Instructor: Katie Laymon

Format: Video

Course Description: The intent of this course is to introduce vocal basics and techniques for beginning or interested vocalist. Focusing on; Posture & Physical technique, Breath and Core development, Placement and Dictation, Range and Vocal Tone, and Stage Energy. Upon the completion of this course, students should feel encouraged about their vocal ability and have a strong grasp and understanding of correct posture, support, and overall vocal basics.


Antiguo Testamento

Instructor: Gamaliel Garcia

Format: Video

Course Description: El propósito de esta asignatura es dar al alumno una base sólida de conocimiento bíblico en el Antiguo Testamento. El alumno estudiará el Antiguo Testamento de forma sistemática y sintética, aprendiendo el contenido general de cada libro, así como la relación de los libros entre sí, la revelación progresiva de Dios y como todo apunta a Cristo Jesus y la cruz. No tendremos tiempo para profundizar en los temas que vamos a encontrar en las páginas del Antiguo Testamento; sin embargo, este recorrido rápido del terreno del Antiguo Testamento nos proveerá una base para estudios futuros.


Doctrinas Fundamentales

Instructor: Mercy Casanellas

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso presenta un estudio exhaustivo de los Rudimentos Básicos de la Doctrina de Cristo encontrados en hebreos 6:1-2, como también la Autoridad de la Biblia, Los Cinco Ministerios y La Mujer en el Ministerio. Exploraremos profundamente la autoridad de la Biblia, en donde encontramos toda la revelación y fundamentos de la doctrina y vida cristiana. Estudiaremos detalladamente cada uno de los rudimentos básicos de la Doctrina de Cristo, los cuales son necesarios y fundamentales en el ministerio y servicio a Dios. Hablaremos del poder que tenemos en el nombre de Jesús y del poder de la sangre de Cristo y su eficacia en nuestros tiempos. Concluiremos el curso estudiando acerca de los cinco ministerios y el rol de la mujer dentro del Ministerio. El propósito de esta clase es facilitar, a cada estudiante, una plataforma Bíblica y sólida para llevar acabo no solo su vida cristiana de manera efectiva, sino también el cumplimiento de su llamado en Dios en el ministerio y servicio, según el llamado particular de cada estudiante.



Instructor: Fermin Garcia

Format: Video

Course Description: Cristología es un estudio teológico de la persona y obra de Jesucristo. Comenzaremos con un estudio teológico sobre quien es Jesucristo (Cristología) y luego continuaremos viendo a Jesus a travez de toda la Biblia. Delinearemos el desarrollo de la iglesia a través de los ojos de Lucas con atención especial a la obra del Espíritu Santo (Lucas-Hechos) y la presentación de Jesucristo nuestro Salvador en los escritos de Juan el Amado (Juan y las epístolas) y del Apóstol Pablo (Colosenses y Efesios.) La asignatura está dividida en tres partes: El Cristo eterno, el Cristo encarnado, y el Cristo exaltado. Se destaca la cristología que se encuentra en los Evangelios.


Oracion e Intercession

Instructor: Sandy Childress

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso está diseñado para ayudar al estudiante a entender la dinámica de la oración e intercesión como un completo estilo de vida Cristiano. Las enseñanzas se basan en aprendizaje de los diferentes tipos de oraciones Bíblicas y las formas prácticas de aplicarlas a nuestras vidas de oración. El estudiante aprenderá la diferencia entre la oración y la oración intercesora y cuándo y cómo aplicar la dinámica específica a cada uno. Los tipos de oración aprendidos serán aplicables a la oración personal y a la vida devocional, como orar eficazmente a los demás, a los miembros de la familia (incluyendo a los no salvos), a la oración corporativa, a la oración en un pequeño grupo, a la oración en la iglesia y en lugares públicos, cómo hacer guerra espiritual en la oración y orar por las naciones, culturas, gobiernos y la sociedad.


Vida y Enseñanzas de Jesucristo

Instructor: Gabriel Castagno

Format: Video

Course Description: La vida y las enseñanzas de Cristo es un viaje a través del Evangelio de Marcos que revela el significado de este hombre llamado Jesús, el mensaje que predicó y lo que todo significa para la humanidad. El énfasis principal de Jesús estaba en el Reino de Dios, que es la realidad de Dios en relación con toda la creación, por lo que este será el tema mayoritario de esta clase.


Nuevo Testamento

Instructor: Gabriel Castagno

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso se enfocará en una descripción general del Nuevo Testamento canon. Nuestro libro de texto proporcionará información sobre cómo los elementos políticos, religiosos y sociales en un contexto del primer siglo informan los escritos del Nuevo Testamento, así también trabajando con cuestiones de autoría, citas y bosquejos de libros. Las enseñanzas del curso se dedicarán a un estudio libro por libro (algunos libros más cortos pueden juntarse) en el que se verán mensajes temáticos que son transculturales y transgeneracionales.


Principios de Fe

Instructor: Eric Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: Un estudio de los Principios de Fe basado en la Palabra de Dios. Una examinación completa de la fe bíblica y cómo agradar a Dios.


Espíritu Santo

Instructor: Mercy Casanellas

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso presenta un estudio exhaustivo de la persona del Espíritu Santo. Veremos de cerca su naturaleza y trabajo tanto en el Antiguo Testamento como en el Nuevo Testamento. Exploraremos profundamente el bautismo del Espíritu Santo y sus efectos en la Iglesia Primaria y como El aun trabaja hoy en día. Asimismo, estudiaremos acerca del fruto y los dones del Espíritu Santo. El propósito de esta clase es facilitar, a cada estudiante, una plataforma en donde pueda experimentar de una manera personal la presencia, poder, unción, investidura y llenura del Espíritu Santo. Cada estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de no solamente conocer, pero también vivir la experiencia del cumplimiento de la promesa de Dios y del poder del Pentecostés.


Discipulado Personal

Instructor: John Arana

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso proporciona una introducción a las raíces del quebrantamiento, las adicciones y las idolatrías que separan a las personas de la salud integral. Se explorarán áreas de adicción que incluyen sexual, sustancia, poder, amor, comodidad y control. Además, este curso abordará formas de identificar problemas de raíz y comenzar un camino hacia la sanidad en Cristo mediante el uso de principios de consejería bíblica.


Matrimonio y Familia

Instructor: Tim Holland

Format: Video

Course Description: Matrimonio y Familia es un curso que explora los fundamentos Bíblicos del rol de un hombre y una mujer, la relación matrimonial, y la familia. Entendiendo que el hogar es el fundamento de la comunidad, regresaremos a los fundamentos de la escritura y descubriremos el impacto que la familia tiene sobre la sociedad. Desde los paralelos de Cristo y Su Novia (La Iglesia) hasta los asuntos que nuestra sociedad enfrenta en el siglo 21, esta clase te enseñará el diseño de Dios para el matrimonio en tiempos antiguos y en tiempos modernos. Si eres soltero o estás casado, esta clase te equipará con la perspectiva del Reino y consejos prácticos del matrimonio y vida familiar de acuerdo a Dios.



Instructor: Ayelen Saavedra

Format: Video

Course Description: Este curso de evangelismo enseña a los estudiantes herramientas de evangelismo para alcanzar a los perdidos con el Evangelio de Jesucristo, a través del poder del Espíritu Santo. El propósito de esta clase es facilitar a cada estudiante, una plataforma en donde pueda experimentar de una manera personal el poder de la evangelización. Cada estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de no solamente conocer, pero también vivir la experienca del cumplimiento de la gran comisión como un estilo de vida. Entendiendo por la Escritura que todos los creyentes son llamados a predicar el evangelio y estar preparados para ministrar, se busca que cada creyente tenga las herramientas espirituales, bíblicas y prácticas para predicar el evangelio a otros en lo cotidiano de la vida. Este curso será tanto bíblico como práctico, proporcionando principios y aspectos prácticos de evangelismo relacionados con el estilo de vida y caminar personal de un creyente, así como el ministerio público. Se cubrirá una amplia gama de temas, incluyendo el llamado del Evangelista, y el evangelismo para todos los creyentes. Así mismo estudiaremos el evangelismo urbano, el ministerio de evangelismo, la dinámica y la mecánica de una iglesia orientada al evangelismo para alcanzar a los no creyentes y mucho más.


Epístolas Pastorales

Instructor: Fernando Ramirez de Arellano

Format: Video

Course Description: La asignatura va dirigida a los alumnos de CFNI en español en su modalidad online con el propósito general de ayudar al alumnado en el desarrollo competencial de la ortodoxia y ortopraxis bíblica del ministerio pastoral. El programa va dirigido a que los alumnos puedan adquirir un conocimiento del contenido de las epístolas pastorales, a saber, 1ª y 2ª de Timoteo y Tito y aplicarlo al liderazgo, requisitos y responsabilidades del ministerio pastoral conforme al modelo bíblico.



Instructor: Fernando Ramirez de Arellano

Format: Video

Course Description: La asignatura va dirigida a los alumnos de CFNI en español en su modalidad online y tiene como objetivo principal impartir un curso introductorio sobre los principios que hay que conocer para interpretar las Escrituras.



Instructor: Fernando Ramirez de Arellano

Format: Video

Course Description: La asignatura tiene como objetivo principal entrenar a los creyentes para presentar defensa de la fe cristiana (a través de la lógica, evidencias y de las Escrituras) ante los argumentos y objeciones más comunes en contra de la existencia de Dios y su verdad revelada.


Bible Study Methods

Instructor: Keith Banks

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is designed to equip students read and study the Bible with fuller understanding by teaching basics of good interpretation for the various types of literature types that make up the Bible. We will discover the significance of the occasional document (epistle writings) and how to apply its principles to everyday life, now. Students will begin to understand Bible interpretation via original language study and application. The student will come away with a greater understanding and appreciation of the God inspired; God breathed Word, and how to use study and application to help others. The course is based on the book How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart).


Book of Proverbs

Instructor: Sandy Childress

Format: Video

Course Description: The Book of Proverbs is a journey through this book of the Bible that teaches all about how applying godly wisdom will help us to be successful in every area of our lives. Each category of Biblical wisdom will be studied and applied to how we live in relationship to God, to ourselves, and to others. Timeless Biblical principles will be compared to the values and priorities of our modern society and we will learn how we can live and transmit effective, Biblical wisdom in the midst of contradicting modern cultural values.


1st and 2nd Peter: Hope Beyond Failure

Instructor: Susan Bozarth

Format: Video

Course Description: I Peter addresses Christian living in the midst of persecution. His exhortations of faithful living provide the backdrop for the reason of the hope that is within Christians; we have a heavenly inheritance. We will see how developing patience during unjust suffering equips the believer to become a redeeming force in the world in spite of suffering. We’ll talk about what it means to ‘suffer well.’ and of course this powerful verse “…always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” They won’t ask, if they don’t see a demonstration of hope in our lives…regardless of circumstances. In essence, your hope and my hope is a catalyst or opportunity for evangelism! II Peter is a letter that gives instruction and exhortation as Peter is nearing the end of his life. Whereas I Peter encourages Christians to maintain their hope in the midst of persecution, II Peter warns Christians against false teachers within their own fellowship who would try to lead them away from Christ and into apostasy. Fidelity to the apostolic teaching is the main theme because heretical teachers are within and without the church. The antidote or remedy against encroaching error is to continue to grow steadfast in the knowledge of the Lord.


Prison Epistles

Instructor: Terry Kinard

Format: Audio

Course Description: The Prison Epistles will explore the four books written by Paul while in prison in Rome: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. According to the dating of the Apostle Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, he was probably arrested in Jerusalem about A.D. 58. Festus kept Paul imprisoned in Jerusalem for two years (Acts 24:27) before he appealed to Caesar and was placed on a ship for Rome. The voyage was interrupted by a shipwreck, so Paul reached Rome as a prisoner and began writing from there approximately 61-62A.D. Acts 28:30-31 tells us Paul was imprisoned in Rome “two whole years.” The Prison Epistles were written during this time.


Corinthian Letters

Instructor: Terry Kinard

Format: Audio

Course Description: The Apostle Paul wrote as a pastor to the saints in Corinth. The church was a focal point for trade, the capital of the province of Achaia, and home of the Roman proconsul. Corinth was not only a famous city of culture and trade; it was a city of sin, known for its problems and shortcomings. In Corinth, we get a realistic view of the early church, and situations that prevail in the church today. Paul dealt head-on with heresies and practices of vulgarity and immorality, yet with fatherly affection and instruction for this church that he founded during an 18-month stay while on his second missionary journey. I Corinthians 1:10 sums up Paul’s purpose for his letter, “…that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” The Corinthian letters give practical instructions for dealing with sin and misconduct in the church, as well as valuable teaching for successful leadership and spiritual ministry through the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church. The theme could be “success in life and ministry.” The study of The Corinthian letters is foundational for every believer, and must-have instruction for church and ministry leaders. The messages of Paul to the Corinthians will make you a better Christian, a more powerful witness, and a well-equipped minister of the Gospel.



Instructor: Susan Bozarth

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is an inductive study (a method used consisting of three skills: observation, interpretation and implementation) of the books of Joshua and Judges. We will look into the historical/background setting and the main messages embedded in each book. Key themes that will be integrated throughout are the topics of courage, conquest and inheritance.


Book of Acts

Instructor: Adam McCain

Format: Audio

Course Description: This course will be a general overview of the Book of Acts, documenting the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Early Church. We will take a serious look at the first thirty years of the NT Church as chronicled in Acts, so as to mind the Spirit led principles and actions found therein.


Book of Psalms

Instructor: Mike Massa

Format: Video

Course Description: The course will examine the basic structure of the Book of Psalms, and look at the different types of psalms both grammatically and spiritually. We will focus on examples of each type and make practical application of the revelation for our lives today.


Cultivating a Heart for Missions

Instructor: Jennifer Bostic

Format: Video

Course Description: Cultivating a Heart for Missions helps us all lean into God’s heart and love for the nations. We will dive into the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation and see definitively that God’s people are called to get out of our comfort zones and go to the lost and dying in this world with the specific mission to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ! Christ For The Nations was founded for the purpose of training men and women to go to all the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will confront and retrain heart and cultural issues that will prevent or delay us from marching forward in the Great Commission. Let our hearts be set aflame once more for this great calling!


Addictions, Idols, and Recovery

Instructor: Laura McKee

Format: Video

Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the roots of brokenness, addictions and idolatries that separate people from whole-person health. Areas of addiction including sexual, substance, power, love, comfort, and control will be explored. Additionally, this course will address ways to identify root issues and begin a path towards healing in Christ through the use of biblical counseling principles.


Marriage and Family

Instructor: Tim Holland

Format: Video

Course Description: Marriage and Family is a course that explores the Biblical foundations of the role of a man and a woman, the marriage relationship, and family. Understanding that the home is the foundation of a community, we will return to the foundations of scripture and discover the impact the family unit has on society. From the scriptural comparison of Christ and His bride (the Church) to addressing 21st century issues that our society is facing, this class will teach you God’s design for marriage from the beginning of time and in today’s day and age. Whether you are single or married, this class will equip you with Kingdom perspective and practical tips of what marriage and family life should be – God’s way!


Dynamics of Healthy Relationships

Instructor: Laura McKee

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is designed to help students develop skills and gain tools to navigate relationships in various spheres of life. Students will explore characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships through a biblical lens. During the course, students will define characteristics of relationships in personal, family, ministry, social and work spheres.



Instructor: Eric Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: Homiletics is a study of the art and science of preaching. This class will cover keys to effective public speaking and a thorough examination of accurate and inspirational Gospel/Biblical communication.


Revival: Principles and Personalities

Instructor: Scott Hinkle

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is designed to give a solid background of God’s working in our land providing a platform for solid faith in the times we live in. This will include an overview of prior times of revival and awakening as well as examining some of the principles and personalities of those involved. Time will be given to the Charismatic Renewal and Jesus Movement with possible insights of firsthand participants.


Fulfilling Your Ministry Call

Instructor: Susan Bozarth

Format: Audio

Course Description: This course is designed to assist the student in developing an awareness of the meaning of the call of God and identify various life experiences that conveyed a sense of destiny in and for God’s purposes. We will look at the specific call of fivefold ministry based on Ephesians 4, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers”. This class will not be limited, however, to the fivefold ministry but will include those called to various areas of vision and purpose with the goal of developing within the student a paradigm for mission minded living in whatever arena of life and ministry that student may enter. Ministry, in whatever venue, can be missionary in nature extending God’s kingdom.


Spiritual Warfare

Instructor: Mike Massa

Format: Video

Course Description: The class will investigate the Word of God to discover and examine the prevalent warfare theme throughout the Scriptures. We will investigate the lives of those the Lord used to battle the realms of darkness. Intercession is as much an act of obedience as it is a prayer time. Warfare is not to be entered into with a silly or sloppy mindset and calls for solid foundations in the ways of the Lord. At the same time, we are not to be intimidated about the adversary and his schemes in light of Jesus’ victory over him at the cross. We will look at the entire Word of God for these warfare priorities and discover some chapters that have been ignored as powerful tools for spiritual war at strategic and national levels.


Effective Biblical Counseling

Instructor: Susan Bozarth

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is designed to equip Christians with the tools of insight and perspective needed for effective Biblical counseling. The goal is to equip counselors, lay and pastoral, and to provide a synopsis regarding the issues involved in counseling; to find the means to help those who are hurting move forward in living a fulfilling Christian life.



Instructor: Scott Hinkle

Format: Video

Course Description: This course will be both biblical and practical providing purposes, principles and practicalities of evangelism pertaining to a believer’s personal walk and lifestyle as well as public ministry. A wide range of subject matter will be covered including the office/call of the Evangelist, everyone and everyday evangelism, urban outreach, overcoming obstacles to evangelism, servant ministry, the dynamics and mechanics of an evangelism oriented church, reaching the un & non-churched and much more.


Reaching Your Community Through the Local Church

Instructor: Scott Hinkle

Format: Video

Course Description: A study of the dynamics and mechanics of a local church effectively reaching unchurched people through exploring the theologies, practices, models, and leadership styles associated with implementing effective evangelism through a local church context


Healing and Miracles

Instructor: Terry Kinard

Format: Video

Course Description: Principles of Healing and Miracles will present practical teaching and application of God’s methods of healing and miracles with emphasis on the power and authority of the Scriptures. The objective of the course is to prepare students to minister in healing and equip them to teach others how to “hear and be healed!” to experience God’s will as defined in III John 1:2 “Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” This is a must-have course for all believing Christians who desire to enter into the fullness of God’s Kingdom in the earth.


Authentic Worship

Instructor: LaMar Boschman

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is about the primary Biblical principles of worship that will form a foundational understanding of the core essentials of Christian worship. Through study, reading, challenging and thought provoking discussions and interactive classes, this course will give each student the essential understanding of what authentic worship is and how to become a true worshiper.


The Music of the Kingdom

Instructor: LaMar Boschman

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is for all Christians who want to study of the real meaning and purpose of music in God’s kingdom. It will take students on an in-depth Biblical study of the theology of music and its relevance to the kingdom of God. Students will explore the music of heaven, music of Lucifer, and all the purposes for which God created music. This course will also allow students to gain a strong understanding of the Biblical principles of music making and music’s connection with God’s manifest presence. Students will be empowered to make music with greater spiritual power, minister in the supernatural, and worship at a higher level in their daily lives.



Instructor: Tom Inglis

Format: Video

Course Description: If worship isn’t anchored in the why, then it’s doomed to become idolatrous. Worship is 50% of our church services, many of us engage but few truly understand the importance and significance of worship. If we don’t understand the why, then it will too easily become about us, an industry or a denominational expression. As you implement the principles of worship lifestyle you will grow in your consciousness of God’s presence. A worship lifestyle brings us into our purpose for life, which is growing in friendship with God every day. Psalmody is known for its rich biblical understanding of worship, helping you grow.


Psalmody II – Lifestyle of Worship

Instructor: Tom Inglis

Format: Video

Course Description: Building on from Psalmody 1 – Principles of Worship, this course Psalmody 2 – Lifestyle of Worship equips you to implement the principles of praise and worship as a lifestyle that will influence your walk with God.


Generational Trends and Issues

Instructor: Chris Estrada

Format: Video

Course Description: This course covers current trends & issues that are consistently changing each year in our culture. It will also cover some of the long-term issues that keep young people in a state of crisis. Through extensive research projects, challenging and thought provoking discussions and interactive classes, this course will give each student a realistic view of youth ministry today.


Foundations in Youth Ministry

Instructor: Gabriel Zamora

Format: Video

Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of Youth Ministry both practical and spiritual. We will walk through the theology and philosophy of youth ministry and how to strategically build a culture around gospel-centered discipleship, leadership development, community, strategic planning, creativity, and integration with the whole of the church.


Pastoral Care and Counseling

Instructor: Laura McKee

Format: Video

Course Description: This course will offer the student practical tools to develop care counseling ministries and curriculums within the church, including how to identify and equip lay leaders for leadership roles within the pastoral care field. The course will also explore theological perspectives on suffering, the ministry of presence, walking with believers through healing from guilt and shame, and how to manage self-care for counselors and ministers.


Counseling Methods & techniques

Instructor: Laura McKee

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is designed to equip students with the skills, methods, and necessary theological considerations for various counseling settings including pastoral, lay, and professional counseling. Students will learn methods and techniques for counseling with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and groups facing a variety of life issues, including strategies to help others with growth and positive change.


Counseling Through the Bible

Instructor: Laura McKee

Format: Video

Course Description: This course teaches students how to have a holistic biblical framework when providing counsel to others on a variety of common issues. Students will learn how to apply Scripture and biblical principles while counseling in areas such as depression, anxiety, fear, friendship, marriage, addictions, anger, boundaries, doubt, roots of brokenness, and other mental health concerns. An emphasis will be placed on how to provide helpful biblical counsel by following Jesus’ example of ministering with grace and truth.


Storying through Scripture

Instructor: Steve Nine

Format: Video

Course Description: This class will teach students both the theory and practice of Bible Storying. An emphasis will be given to working with children and oral cultures though the strategies taught are applicable to all ages and cultures. This course is hands on and is designed to develop skill rather than merely gain knowledge. This means that student interaction and field experience is a key aspect of the class.


Early Childhood Ministry

Instructor: Gwyneth Enriquez

Format: Video

Course Description: Students will learn how to develop a philosophy of early childhood ministry, create an environment for the young child, and teach in ways to meet the child’s spiritual needs and build a solid Biblical foundation. They will develop strategies to create connections with the child’s family.


Life Transforming Message and Theology

Instructor: Scott Hinkle

Format: Video

Course Description: A study developing a sound understanding of the gospel message and its call to true Christianity, and its place of priority in the kingdom of God.


Practical Pastoral Ministry

Instructor: Brandon Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: There are many facets of pastoral ministry. Pastors do so much more than preach on Sunday morning. The Greek word for pastor (poimēn) means shepherd. This then means that the pastor is involved in the care of the people that God has given him/her oversight of. This care includes weddings, funerals, baby dedications, hospital visitations, etc.


Local Church

Instructor: Brandon Hollar

Format: Video

Course Description: In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, “…. I will build my church…” Jesus is building His church still today. In the body of Christ, however, there are some misunderstandings about the church. Some believe that it is only a global ethereal church, but the Bible uses the word “church” in reference to a local gathering of believers in a community more than any other way. A single believer is not the church. A gathering of believers is the church. We will discuss the need for churches, big and small.


Apostolic Leadership

Instructor: Mike Massa

Format: Video

Course Description: We will examine the Biblical foundations of apostolic ministry. This course is not about the functions of an apostle, but about the essential need for an authentic assignment from a living union with the Lord Himself. We will see God’s ways used with the same realities in the Old Testament. It is our aim to challenge all of us to pray and believe the Lord to position His church into a maturing understanding of genuine apostolic leaders.


Kingdom Ethics

Instructor: Will Ford

Format: Video

Course Description: In the marketplace, the depth of your convictions, will determine the power of your kingdom influence. If ethics affects a person’s conduct, what part does it play in a nation’s understanding of morality? Abraham Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Through studying the book of Daniel, learn how ethics in the marketplace shapes ideas, legislation and nations, and how to be a change agent in society through prayer and action.


Biblical Economics and Financial Management

Instructor: Gerald Chester

Format: Video

Course Description: Every day we make financial decisions. Financial activities are so common that we rarely even think about the philosophy, values, and principles we use to make these decisions. We buy, sell, trade, barter, save, invest, give, and pay taxes routinely with little thought about how the system should work and the key principles that should govern it. So how did God design the system to work? How should we think about economic matters? And what are the key principles we should follow? The objective of this course is to provide biblical answers to these questions. In this training you will learn how to think about financial decisions based on the Bible. The course will present a biblical perspective on economics, such as, the distinction between temporal wealth and true wealth. In addition, you will be challenged with key principles that will enable you to make financial decisions from God’s perspective. For example, you will learn God’s priorities for the use of money, what God will bless, and why the wicked sometimes seem to prosper. You will be challenged to consider that a correct view of economics and financial management is an integral part of walking with God. The course is an opportunity to enrich your understanding of God and to enable you to think more biblically about economic and financial matters.


Strategic Life Alignment

Instructor: Gerald Chester

Format: Video

Course Description: The Strategic Life Alignment Course is based on the assumption that God redeems his people not only to enjoy eternal life but also to play a role in his great story (i.e., the metanarrative) of history. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each Christian to find and fulfill the purpose of God for his/her life. This course provides biblical tools and a biblical methodology to help each person engage in their personal discovery process. Students will be challenged to think biblically about the call of God on their lives. The training will be presented through video teaching and a written workbook with exercises. Online group calls will reinforce the learning experience. The purpose of the course is to enrich each student’s process of finding and fulfilling his/her divinely ordained purpose in God’s metanarrative.


Understanding the trinity

Instructor: Larry Titus

Format: Video

Course Description: This course is a thorough study of the Trinity: its purpose, essence, persons, and their individual characteristics and responsibilities. We will deeply examine both the Old and the New Testaments to find out the importance of the roles of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit in the many events of the biblical narrative. Students will be able to identify the persons of the Trinity functioning in their specific roles in different biblical passages, and to understand the complexity of their unity as well.


Generational Discipleship

Instructor: Chris Estrada

Format: Video

Course Description: The young people of today need a mentor in their life to call out their greatness, confront them while making them feel honored, help establish identity in them, and give them tools to be successful to do the same in the generation they will be leading. You will be given wisdom & tools to rise up strong disciples that will last for generations.

Global Impact