Christ For The Nations’ Orphanage Support program is a powerful expression of God’s love, transforming the lives of children across 8 orphanages in 5 countries—all led by devoted CFNI alumni. Founded by Freda “Mom” Lindsay in 1976, this ministry partners with faithful believers and churches to provide essential financial support.
These orphanages are beacons of hope, rescuing children from the grips of slavery, abuse, child labor, neglect, and even terrorist recruitment. They do far more than offer protection—providing food, clothing, education, healthcare, and, most importantly, the love of Christ through nurturing care.
At CFN, we believe that caring for orphans is not just a duty but a God-given mandate, reflecting His heart for the lost and vulnerable. We are committed to raising awareness and mobilizing support so that these orphanages can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus, offering hope, healing, and a future to those in desperate need.
If you have any questions regarding the Orphanage Support Program, please feel free to contact us at

How You Can Participate

This life-changing program thrives through the faithful generosity of compassionate donors like you. By joining us, you’re not just giving—you’re answering the call to reflect the Father’s heart and bring His love to orphans in desperate need. Partner with CFN today and help us reach even more children with the hope and healing of Christ’s love. Your gift makes an eternal difference!

Sending a Check?

If you prefer, you may send a check to Christ For The Nations at P. O. Box 769000, Dallas, Texas 75376-9000.
Please include a note stating your giving designation. Thank you.
Did you know that CFNI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?

Christ For The Nations Tax ID: 75-0859667

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, any contribution is made with the understanding that Christ For The Nations has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. Christ For The Nations, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Texas.

Global Impact