UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!                                                                                                                                         UPDATE: CFN.ORG and CFNI.ORG are merging! All CFN.ORG content will soon be available at CFNI.ORG. Stay tuned for a new, unified experience!

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Dear CFNI Family,

Greetings from Christ For The Nations. If you watched the news recently, you will know we are living in troubled times, but God will be glorified through it all. His light shines best in dark times and difficult circumstances.

The horrific attack against Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 shocked the entire world. The massacre of hundreds and the kidnapping of innocent people reminded all of us that evil is real and present in our modern world.

As Israel attempts to topple Hamas’ regime in Gaza to bring freedom and safety, we continue to lift up all the innocent Israelis and Palestinians who are unfortunately now caught in the middle of this war. We are disheartened by the loss of lives but are grateful for the humanitarian aid being sent into Gaza and Israel to help. Please keep all in your prayers.

In response to the tragedy that struck, Christ For The Nations launched an Israel Relief campaign to raise support for those impacted by this tragedy. In addition, our students came together with staff and faculty members in our auditorium and prayed for Jews and Palestinians. We remain committed to cover this crisis in continual prayer.

The silver lining in the middle of all this evil, is that Christians around the world are praying, day and night, and have been rushing in huge amounts of food, clothing and supplies to meet every kind of need. Not only have we been praying, but we are also actively partnering with CFNI alumni on the ground who are bringing aid and relief to both Israelis and Palestinians who are in need.

If there has ever been a time in modern history to be a blessing to Israel, it is right now.

Therefore, I am appealing to you to give a financial gift through Christ For The Nations, so that together we can support those in need. Please give today on this page. Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit and taking action to provide help where it matters most. Your gift will help the families who lost loved ones and their belongings. God bless you!


Dr. Dennis Lindsay

President & CEO

Did you know that CFNI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?

Christ For The Nations Tax ID: 75-0859667

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, any contribution is made with the understanding that Christ For The Nations has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. Christ For The Nations, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Texas.